Page 100 of Treasured
That sounded doable.
The goddess’s grip tightened. “Be forewarned, daughter of the moon; the time will come when you need to make a choice that will determine the course of fate. Pay attention, and whatever happens, do not be fooled by beauty, for death lies beneath it all. Lean into the light you carry in your soul. It will save you.”
The moment the final, ominous words were out of Isvana’s mouth, her eyes widened. The raven squawked, and the palace disappeared in a shimmer of gold.
* * *
I woke with a gasp. My lungs squeezed, struggling to draw breath. My heart raced in my chest, making a concerted effort to escape the confines of my ribs, and panic settled deep within me.
Sebastian’s arms tightened around me. “Luna, what’s wrong?”
Breathing was still nearly impossible, but I choked out a single word, “Isvana.”
It was all I could manage, but luckily, it was all that was needed. Sebastian knew exactly what I meant. He didn’t doubt me at all, nor did he question me.
“You can tell me about your visit with the goddess when you’re ready.” He kissed the space between my brows. “Just breathe. I’ve got you.”
And I did.
With every passing moment, drawing breath became a little easier. My slow-beating heart returned to its normal rhythm. The lub-dub was oddly comforting as it echoed in my ears.
When I felt normal once again, I turned in Sebastian’s arms. He didn’t say anything, instead waiting as I collected my thoughts.
Eventually, I was ready.
“I saw the goddess again,” I told him. “She was—”
A sharp inhale came from the bed. It was quiet, but I was a vampire, so even the quietest inhale was still a shout in my ear.
My heart stuttered, and all words fell away. Isvana’s visit was no longer important. Not right now.
Marius’s finger twitched. It twitched!
Thankfulness was a river running through me, pulling me from Sebastian’s arms and bringing me to the bed. I took my brother’s hand in mine. “Marius?” I whispered.
He drew in a breath. A moment later, Sebastian’s hand landed on my shoulder. Something deep in my soul clicked.
I was touching Marius, and Sebastian was touching me.
Like a key turning in a lock, a sense of rightness settled into place inside me.
You walk the path of light, daughter of the moon, Isvana’s voice was a gentle night breeze in my mind. The harbinger, the Sunwalker, and the Wielder of Shadows complete the prophesied triangle.
Power ran through me from Marius’s touch, amplified by Sebastian’s hand on my shoulder. I wasn’t sure what was happening; I didn’t even know if this made sense. But I knew it was right, just like I knew the sky was blue and Sebastian’s affection for me was vast.
This was meant to be.
The shadows sang a deeper, louder song. Their music was ancient, older, and more intense than before. My darkness was amplified, but there was nothing bad about it. If anything, I felt stronger than ever. Like I could do anything. Be anything. Nothing would stand in our way.
I glanced over my shoulder to ask Sebastian if he felt the same thing when another flutter of movement came from the bed.
My heart caught in my throat.
Marius opened his eyes.
Science and Magic