Page 124 of Treasured
“Really, Sebastian, she was just a mortal.” Queen Marguerite shrugged. “I’ve apologized. What more do you want?”
I swallowed, my mouth dry. I wanted Athena.
How could the queen be so callous about this? Athena might have been human, but she was my… first. My first real love, my first relationship as a vampire, and now…
She was dead.
I was alone.
Truly, completely, utterly alone. I couldn’t even go to see my family. A century had passed since my Making. My parents and brothers were long dead. Even if, by some miracle, my brothers’ children lived, I doubted they knew who I was. I wouldn’t find comfort in the arms of distant family members I didn’t even know.
I wouldn’t find comfort at all.
Athena was dead.
“Sebastian.” Mother continued to speak, but I tuned her out.
I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t listen to the queen’s excuses while Athena’s blood covered the floor in front of me. Maker or not, I couldn’t deal with this. With her. The longer I stared at the remnants of my first love’s body, the more rage pulsed through me.
I was going to kill someone. I needed to kill someone. It should have been the queen, but I couldn’t. Not yet. I wasn’t strong enough.
But the blood.
It was everywhere.
Shadows pounded, pulsed, and throbbed as they struggled to get out of me. Too much. It was too much. I released them, the dark wisps streaming out of me.
“Sebastian!” the queen yelled. “What in Ithiar’s name do you think you’re doing?”
“Leaving.” I couldn’t stay here any longer.
She gripped the sides of her chair. “I did not give you permission to leave.”
I raised my gaze to hers. Blood was spattered across her face. “Deepest apologies, Your Majesty.” I bowed. “May I please go and,”—I gulped, staring at my now-red clothes—“clean up? I fear that there is blood on my trousers.”
Her eyes dropped as she took in my outfit. “Ah,” she said. “Of course. You may go.”
I was in the Void so fast I didn’t hear her next words.
Athena was dead.
The following hours, days, and months went by in a dark, cold blur. Nothing mattered. No matter how many tasks I completed for the queen, no matter how many people I killed, no matter how much blood I drank—never killing, only drinking—numbness coursed through me.
Eventually, I gave in to it and let it take me over.
I was the Prince of Darkness, Master of the Shadows, twice blessed by Isvana, and the chosen weapon of the queen.
And I was alone.
* * *
I woke tangled in the sheets. Goosebumps peppered my flesh, and although it was the middle of the day, sleep was impossible. Even if I’d been tired, there was no way I was returning to that nightmare.
Living through it once was enough.
Instead, I brushed my lips over Luna’s and held her close.
“What’s wrong?” she murmured, her eyes still shut.