Page 130 of Treasured
Still, I would go. I would do just about anything to get out of training.
* * *
My prediction was correct. The voices in the Void were quieter today, but their message was as eerie as ever.
“Save usssss, Sunwalker,” they whispered.
Others hissed, “The Queen of SSSSShadows is going to kill usssss all.”
“Save usssss,” the chorus echoed their earlier call.
By the time the shadows lifted, I was well and truly spooked. My heart’s beat was a drum. I squeezed Sebastian’s hand, holding him like he was the only thing keeping me from being swept away by the voices.
“Open your eyes, Luna,” Sebastian whispered, his fingers brushing my cheek.
I hadn’t even realized they were shut. I did as he asked. The moment moonlight touched my eyes, I gasped. This was definitely better than training.
“Wow,” I breathed, spinning around to take it all in.
An enormous waterfall loomed high above us, stretching toward the night sky. Where rushing, roaring water should have been, there was nothing but massive frozen chunks of ice. Cascading water, caught in motion and frozen in time, they were beautiful in their stillness. The ice was so thick it was white, carrying hints of the foam I was certain gathered above the water when it was running.
And the rocks behind the waterfall. That was where the real beauty lay. The stones shimmered like a piece of natural art. It was as though thousands of gems were embedded within them. Dark trees with long, thin trunks rose around the frozen waterfall, some growing on the rocks themselves. Though they were black, which matched the rest of Eleyta, they had an unparalleled beauty. The sight stole my breath. My slow-beating heart stopped for one long moment. This was incredible. Nature was in charge here, and we were simply the observers.
Sebastian’s arms wrapped around me. He drew me close, my back resting against his chest. At that moment, nothing else mattered.
We just were.
A few minutes passed before I found my voice. “Where are we?”
“This place doesn’t have a name,” he said. “Or if it did, it’s been lost to time.”
Somehow, that made it even more beautiful. A lost grove. Forgotten by all, allowed to exist on its own. Now a refuge for us. Already, the aches of training seemed less horrible than before. Beautiful tranquility was healing in more ways than one.
I whispered, not wanting to speak too loudly in such a still place, “It’s stunning.”
He hummed, the sound reverberating through me. “I think so too. I discovered it many decades ago, and I’ve visited this location several times. Being here brings me peace.”
I could see why. A gray squirrel hopped from one tree to the next, chattering at us as it moved. The brisk breeze blew my hair, but it didn’t seem as bad as it normally did. The air was cold, but not bitter. The snow was whiter than normal. Even the stars were brighter. This place was the embodiment of peace.
Sebastian brushed back a lock of my hair. His voice was a gentle caress in my mind. If we’re quiet, there’s something else we might be able to see.
Intrigued and more than a little curious, I asked, What is it?
Patience, darling. He tapped my nose. I don’t want to spoil the surprise.
The last surprise Sebastian had for me was when I learned to fly, and I loved that one. I told him, I shall attempt to wait patiently.
He chuckled. Good. It shouldn’t be long.
He was right. Scarcely ten minutes passed before a branch cracked in the forest behind us. The breeze carried the rustling of feathers to my ears, and then, the snow crunched.
Turn around, love. Sebastian’s arms guided me, holding me firmly against him.
I would have protested the assistance, being fully capable of moving on my own, but my words failed me as I caught sight of the creature walking out of the bushes. Then I was grateful for Sebastian’s grip because my own legs momentarily faltered. To say the animal was magnificent would be an understatement.
Larger than any horse I’d ever seen, it had the body of a lion and the head of a bird. Instead of fur, it was covered in feathers. It was four-legged, and each paw was larger than my head. Not only that, but it was equipped with massive, razor-sharp talons. Eagle wings protruded from its back, and the bird-that-wasn’t-a-bird was so black it seemed to absorb the light. The only exception was the two silver eyes looking directly at us.