Page 163 of Treasured
I nodded, my head falling back as I watched him through hooded eyes. Gods, he was beautiful, this prince—this king—of mine.
If it weren’t for the black bands marking our wrists, I would have trouble believing we were bound. Sometimes, the events of our marriage felt more like a dream… or a nightmare, depending on how I was feeling. But when I remembered he loved me, it all seemed okay.
Sebastian pulled open the door. “Yes?”
“Your Majesty, you need to come quickly,” said a voice outside the room.
My husband’s shoulders tensed. “What’s wrong, Nelo?”
“Nothing is wrong, My King. There’s… a situation in the Hall of Favorites. You should come to see.”
Sebastian’s fingers drummed on the doorframe, and he looked over his shoulder at me. Is that alright with you?
I couldn’t get over how considerate he was. We were still Tethered, so if he was going, I was too. Instead of demanding I come, he asked.
Smiling, I slipped out from under the covers and swung my legs over the side of the bed. Give me five minutes, and I’ll be ready.
Sebastian nodded, turning back to Nelo. “We’ll be there in a half-hour.” He slipped the door shut and leaned against it.
I eyed him. “Half an hour?” I crinkled my nose. “I only asked for five minutes.”
My vampire pushed off the door, prowling towards me. “Did you say that?” He stopped a foot away from me, his eyes twinkling. “I could have sworn I heard you say thirty minutes. Or was it an hour? I’m not sure.”
He bent, his arms landing on either side of me, caging me in. His mouth claimed mine in a deep kiss. I melted against him, my fingers reaching up and tangling in his hair as we embraced. His tongue prodded at my mouth, and I opened for him eagerly. Our kiss deepened.
Too soon, he pulled away. A mischievous glint entered those eyes. “You see, darling, I needed more than five minutes to do this.” He scooped me up, moving me to the middle of the bed once more.
His lips met mine, and his hands made quick work of my nightdress. Any protests that I might have had—which, to be honest, were very few—died out completely when his mouth left mine, blazing a trail lower, lower, lower.
Soon, I couldn’t speak at all.
For once, I found I did not mind one bit.
With Sebastian, no words were necessary.
So Much We Need to Do
After I finished assuring Luna no one would be upset that we were a bit late—half an hour had become an hour before we knew it—we left our room. She’d changed into a form-fitting black gown with a long slit that ran up the middle, showcasing her legging-clad legs. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen her in this garment, but she looked different today. More beautiful if that was possible. Stronger than ever.
I was proud to call her my wife.
We could have shadowed to the Hall of Favorites, but we walked instead. Why hurry now? The queen was dead, and we had all the time in the world to spend together.
An air of levity had settled upon Castle Sanguis. I noticed it as soon as we left our wing of the castle. The vampires we passed bowed and curtsied in our direction, which wasn’t exactly new, but the real changes came from the humans.
They seemed… happy.
There was a bounce in their steps, and they even smiled as we passed them. No servant had smiled in Castle Sanguis the entire time I’d been alive.
We were walking down a hallway on the castle’s second floor when one human stopped us.
“Your Majesties.” He clutched a woven basket in his arms and dipped his head. He wore a purple ribbon around his neck. “I just wanted to thank you for what you’ve done.”
Luna glanced at me before smiling. “You’re welcome.”