Page 2 of Lust
And my inner wolf liked the idea he might fall for me, despite the fact the human parts of me knew it would be a really bad idea to get involved with the Master Vampire. A fun roll in the hay was one thing, but a relationship wasn’t in the cards.
I’d checked out satellite views of the mansion, as well as the pictures and other information Drake Security had on file for the vampire’s primary residence. I’d also done a deep dive on the vampire as well as the other residents. He keeps his flock on the premises, and he has an area underground to house new vampires. Or rather, to keep them contained until they learn control.
The mansion was on the beach, though a huge stand of trees kept anyone on a boat from spying on it. Trees also blocked the view from the road. Vampires like their privacy, and Marco seemed even more security-minded than most.
An older tiger-shifter butler showed us to our rooms, and then fifteen minutes later gave us a tour of the upstairs — the flock’s workout area, the kitchen and dining room, and several recreation areas. “You aren’t restricted to any part of the upper levels,” the tiger shifter told us, “though you’ll obviously need to be invited into anyone’s personal quarters.” He turned to me. “Madam Wolf, I can escort you downstairs to meet the Master now.”
I looked to Kirsten. “You okay?”
“I’m going to wander down to the beach. Maybe find a tree to hang out with.”
Which meant she’d be fine. We’d been in a city for weeks, and Kirsten needs nature to fully center herself. Long Island was as close to nature as we were likely to get for a while, but Kirsten does well with trees and large bodies of water, so this would be good for her.
Let me know if you need me. I telepathed.
Have fun, and if you need me, I’ll find a way to you.
I knew she would, but I wasn’t going to need her. I’ll be fine.
Of course you will, but if it turns out you aren’t, I’m close.
The truth is, she could get to me anywhere, no matter how close. Even from another continent, from another realm. She merely had to think of me, and she could flash to me in seconds. I couldn’t telepath to her from those distances, though, which was why she was here.
Even if there’s a problem, you don’t need to let Marco know you can teleport to a person.
She didn’t respond, but she didn’t have to. If she had to teleport to me, it meant something had gone wrong, and if Marco hurt me, she’d kill him, and then he wouldn’t know she’d teleported to us. Problem solved.
Of course, then we’d have to figure out how to explain the dead vampire, and wouldn’t that create a supernatural shitstorm?
But it was going to be fine.
“Marco’s food is usually supplied to him nude, while he’s in bed, before he dresses for the day,” the young female werelion told me while she pressed her palm to a sensor and then leaned in for a retinal scan. “He chose to dress for you, and he’s instructed me to bring you to his subterranean office.”
“Thanks for the heads up. Do you defer to Marco or Nathan in this matter?”
“I am loyal to Marco.”
Which hadn’t answered my question, had it? Nathan is a good friend, and is also king of all lions. Any lions in this household would be blood-bonded to Marco, however.
The door to Marco’s office was open, and he stood and walked around the desk when the lioness walked me in. He thanked and dismissed my guide, which put points into the positive column for him. Many Master Vampires see the shapeshifters who work for them as less than, but Marco didn’t treat this woman as if she didn’t matter.
She closed the door on her way out, and Marco motioned me towards a small seating area. I chose one of the loveseats, and he sat so he was facing me across a coffee table.
“I hope traffic wasn’t terrible?”
“It was a nice drive. We don’t need small talk, Marco. My safeword is abort mission, or just abort, if I’m in too much distress for the other syllables.”
His smile was one of humor rather than annoyance. “Perfect. If I’m properly tuned in, you won’t need it, but I’m glad you shared it. Are you aware of what your Alpha has done to ensure your safety?”
I sat back and suppressed the grimace my face wanted to make. “I’m not, and I apologize if he offended you.” Randall was an excellent Alpha, and he went above and beyond to make sure his people were safe.
“Abbott and I have known each other for centuries, and we have a mutual respect. He in turn respects Randall, so there’s no offense. You are friends with Abbott’s Secundo?”
Ah, and there was the Master Vampire, testing some waters, feeling things out. I met his gaze and told him, “Kendra is his third, not his second, but yes, I consider her a good friend. She and Kirsten are also quite close.”
He tilted his head. “Officially, she’s his third, but when push comes to shove and Abbott can’t be reached, she’s the one making decisions, not his second.”
True enough, but I wasn’t going to confirm anything. “Did my Alpha get Abbott or Kendra involved?”