Page 5 of Lust
Shifters run hotter than humans, and I soaked in the heat of her under my ass and between my legs, but held my head six inches over hers, to get a feel for whether a kiss would be welcome. I scented lust and aggression, which didn’t tell me a whole lot, so I leaned down and chanced it.
Lips and teeth and tongues battled for control, but I was on top, which gave me the advantage. Her hips moved beneath me, grinding on my clothed member. The ribs weren’t going to heal until I fed, and she’d have known that when she broke them, so I didn’t bother asking before I kissed my way to her neck and then struck — fangs through skin, blood in my mouth. Savory and salty and so full of power.
My dick throbbed with her heat coursing through my veins, and within moments, I felt the pain of the shattered bones in my chest knitting and welding back together.
Just to be certain she’d be amenable to staying put long enough for me to remove my trousers and enter her, I gave her an orgasm cocktail guaranteed to make her so horny she wouldn’t be able to see anything in the room except me and my member.
The scent of her lust filled the room, and I drank it in.
“What are you doing?”
It was barely more than a whisper, but I gradually slowed my intake of her lust, rather than shutting it off all at once, and telepathed, What do you mean?
You’re drawing on my power. Not just drinking my blood, but drinking me.
That was exactly what I was doing, but only three shapeshifters had picked up on it over the many centuries I’d lived.
It will bring no harm to you. I’ll explain in detail later, unless you feel we should stop and talk?
If you give me your word it won’t bring harm to me and I will be as strong when we finish as I’d expect to be after a feed-and-fuck from any other vampire, I’ll take you at your word.
You have my word.
She relaxed under me, and I understood she believed she had the political power to assure herself she was safe. And the truth was? She likely did. Harming this particular she-wolf would bring a shitload of trouble to my doorstep, not only because her Alpha was close to Abbott, but because she was also close to Aaron Drake, Nathan Pierce, and the fiery redhead currently drawing power from a tree on my property. A lot of power.
I had Cora’s trust, to an extent, but not because she thought I was trustworthy. Something in my soul needed her to believe I was worthy of her trust, but I’d have to think about that later, because I’d set her up to need the release of an orgasm, and it was time I carried through.
* * * *
The fight was over. He’d bested me, and now he had me so horny I couldn’t see straight. Fuck, but I needed to see what we were working with, and then I needed it inside me.
I found my voice enough to challenge him. “What’s the matter with the big, bad vampire? Performance anxiety?”
“With your blood traversing through my body? Not a chance in hell. Fuck, but you have some powerful blood. What the fuck are you doing a beta?”
“Still so much talking.”
Somehow, he managed to get rid of his pants and underwear — though it’s possible there was only the pants, since I didn’t see the undies — and then he was at my entrance, forcing his way in, pushing hard and fast, opening me.
Owning me.
Odd things happen when there’s a blood exchange, but I hadn’t taken in any of his blood, he’d only had mine. Still, it felt as if our energies merged, upping the magic between us, the metaphysical-electricity sparking and flicking right over the top of my motherfucking clit.
I screamed at the invasion, helpless to stop it, vulnerable and open, the one being fucked rather than the one doing the fucking — and it was exactly what I’d needed. Fuck, but it felt good to be the damned girl with someone other than my motherfucking Alpha.
Marco didn’t bother going in and holding a few seconds to give me time to get used to his size. Oh no, he plowed me from the start, a damned jackhammer, fucking me for all he was worth, driving into me over and over, hard and fast. Vampire fast.
The friction was too much, but I didn’t care. I needed every inch of him inside me. He’d held my wrists in one of his hands when he entered me, but he let go now and braced himself better, propped over me, so only our genitals touched. I ran my hands up and down his ribcage, completely healed from the battering I’d given it. Only a handful of vampires were strong enough to knit shattered bones back together in a matter of minutes. Did Marco know how much I’d learned about him in such a short time? Did he care?
Marco slowed, but it was only to grab my legs, lift them into the air, and then hold my ankles against the concrete floor, up over my head. I looked forward to leisurely sex in a soft bed with this vampire, but for our purposes right now, I welcomed the cold, hard concrete below me. This had been a challenge, and he’d seen what I needed and given me everything.
Every motherfucking inch.
I was so close to an orgasm, but it stayed just out of reach. It took me longer than it probably should’ve to realize he’d done something with his bite. Something to get me horny without letting me go over.
I opened my eyes and met his gaze. He’d been looking at me while I was lying below him all blissed out, trying so hard to find release when he knew I wouldn’t be able to.