Page 1 of Under His Control
Chapter 1
Black boots appeared in Ellen’s line of vision.
She looked up from her kneeling position on the mat and forgot how to breathe.
His black T-shirt hugged broad shoulders and a muscular chest. A barbed-wire tattoo ringed his bulging right biceps. His hair was so dark it glinted blue in the dungeon light. It was tousled, curling at his neck, strands falling over his forehead and into his eyes. His jaw was square, his lips full, their curve at once sensual and cruel. Her eye was drawn to the scar that slashed his left cheek. It was a slender, silvery-white line that curved just below his left eye, tapering toward his mouth.
The exhaustion she’d felt from the culmination of the previous scenes fell away as the Dom shook the hair from his face with a toss of his head and regarded her from beneath heavy brows. Ice brushed her spine as his gaze burned slowly over every inch, every curve.
Master Damon was Ellen’s sixth and final scene partner of the evening. While each of the five other Doms bidding for her slave contract had been skilled and assured, none had penetrated the shield of her submissive poise. Yet, this Dom already had her just by showing up.
She stared back into gray-green eyes that were as cool and remote as a winter sea. A rush of liquid heat sluiced through her as he held her captive with his gaze. She had a ridiculous, completely unsubmissive impulse to close her knees and wrap her arms around her naked body.
He’s trouble, her mind whispered.
Bring it, her gut replied.
With a casual flick of his hand, he indicated she should stand.
Ellen willed herself to be calm as she rose slowly and gracefully from her knees. Damn it if her legs weren’t trembling. What the hell was happening here? Trying to ignore the heat coursing through her body and no doubt splashing over her cheeks, she stood straight, arms at her sides.
Still without speaking, he reached for her throat, his large hand easily spanning her jawline. His touch was firm, but she was able to breathe. With his other hand, he reached between her legs and cupped her bare sex.
A shudder ran through Ellen as he slid a hard finger inside her. When he ground his palm against her throbbing clit, a low, feral moan escaped her lips.
A knowing smile lifted the corners of Master Damon’s lush mouth. There was a dangerous glint in his eye that both compelled her and frightened her.
When he pulled his hand from her sex, she had to bite her lower lip to keep from begging for its return. With the other hand still on her throat, he tightened his grip, this time cutting off her ability to breathe.
Pressure built behind her face. Her nipples hardened to throbbing points as he held her transfixed with his cool, hard gaze. Black spots appeared before her eyes but she was too well trained to pull away.
Then all at once, Master Damon let her go. Ellen swayed as she sucked in a huge breath, heart pounding. His strong hands gripped her shoulders, steadying her. Still, he didn’t say a word. Christ, who was this guy?
Ellen couldn’t deny she’d been impressed with Master Damon’s experience in the scene and intrigued by his background, not to mention his gorgeous profile picture on The Enclave binding auction site. But when ranking his goals and objectives as they pertained to BDSM, he’d put finding a permanent partner dead last. By definition, this ranking had relegated him to the bottom of her list. Because, though the slave contract might only be for one week, Ellen was hoping it would turn into something more.
None of that mattered as Master Damon stared into her eyes as if he already owned her. She stared back, mesmerized. Then, finally, he spoke.
“What would you do for your Master, Ellen?” His voice was deep, her name like a caress in his mouth.
Ellen closed her eyes for a second, calling on her training as she calmed herself. She opened her eyes and met his gaze.
She pondered the question seriously. What would she do for the man who could fully claim her as his slave—not only her body and her obedience, but her very soul?
“Anything, Sir,” she answered with conviction.
He cocked a brow but said nothing in direct reply. Instead, he said, “Keep your eyes on me.”
The command was easy to obey, as there was nowhere else she’d rather look.
Before she could process what was happening, he lifted his hand and slapped her across the face with a hard palm. The force of the blow turned her head to the side.
She yelped with surprise as heat splashed over her cheek. Her eyes watered as she struggled to master her shock. At the same time, a deep, dark pleasure moved through her body. She could fly from a face slapping delivered by someone who knew what he was doing. And clearly, this man did.
“Eyes on me,” he reminded her, his words a command.
Blinking away tears, she refocused on his face.
The second slap landed as hard as the first.