Page 48 of Under His Control
Though she understood intellectually that they were just role playing, she couldn’t help the hot flush of humiliation that rushed into her face.
Master Damon pulled open the front door, letting in a blast of chilly air. “Let’s go, puppy dog.” He stepped out, pulling her along behind him and shutting the door.
The afternoon sun was weak, offering light but little warmth. There was still snow on the ground, though tufts of dead grass were visible in patches. Ellen shivered and wrapped her arms around her body as Master Damon led her around to the side of the cabin. At least he’d allowed her to wear shoes.
Keeping hold of the leash, he dropped the roll of toilet paper and the plastic bag to the ground. “Squat there and do your business. If you take a dump, be sure to clean it up. That’s what the plastic bag is for.”
Face and ears hot with embarrassment, the rest of her absolutely freezing, Ellen lowered herself into a squatting position. No way in hell was she going to poop outside in the snow, especially not with him watching her. Thank goodness, her gut had completely shut down with nerves and she no longer felt the urge to move her bowels. But if she didn’t pee soon, she was going to explode.
She could feel Master Damon’s eyes boring into her but she kept her head down, face averted. Despite her full bladder, it took several long seconds before she could go.
Finally, she released a hot stream of urine into the snow. Shivering uncontrollably now, she grabbed the roll of toilet paper and wiped herself as best she could. She put the used paper in the plastic bag. Grabbing the roll and the bag, she got to her feet.
“Good doggie,” Master Damon said, patting the top of her head. “Let’s get you back inside.”
Ellen sighed with relief as they reentered the warm, cozy cabin. Master Damon took the roll of toilet paper and the plastic bag from her hands. He unclipped the leash and hung it on a peg. “Take off your sneakers and socks. You can wash your hands and then go sit by the fire. On the rug, mind you, not the couch.”
Leaving her shoes and socks by the door, Ellen hurried to the bathroom. As she washed her hands, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes feverishly bright. As humiliating as it had been to pee like a dog in the snow, it had also been exhilarating in a strange way.
Drying her hands, she returned to the living room. As the welcome heat of the fire warmed her, Master Damon bustled around the cabin, moving from room to room. She didn’t watch him, instead losing herself in the mesmerizing dance of the flames.
She could hear him moving around in the kitchen and hoped he was making something to eat, as their breakfast many hours before was now a distant memory. Sure enough, after a few minutes, he emerged from the kitchen carrying a tray.
Coming to her, he sat on the sofa and set down the tray. There was a plate containing three grilled cheese sandwiches, along with a bowl of potato chips and two cans of Coke. He picked up one of the sandwiches and took a large bite. Ellen’s mouth watered, her stomach rumbling as she watched him. Surely one of those sandwiches was for her?
He took another bite and then reached for one of the sodas. As he popped the top, he looked down at her. “Hungry?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Dogs eat after their Master,” he informed her. He pulled his cell from his jeans and tapped the screen. As he stared down at it, he took another large bite. Using his thumbs, he tapped something into the phone. She heard the whoosh of a text message being sent.
As he continued to enjoy his lunch, he kept his eyes glued to his phone screen. A few moments later, she heard the ping of an answering text. Who was he talking to?
Finally, he set his phone aside and reached for the last sandwich. Tearing off a piece, he held it out. “Get on your knees and hold your paws up like a begging dog while I feed you. Show me what a good puppy you are.”
Ellen wasn’t loving this part of their humiliation games, but she reminded herself she was pleasing her Master. That was all she needed to focus on right now.
Shifting from her butt to her knees, she lifted her hands to chest level and let her wrists go limp. She opened her mouth and he placed the warm, buttery morsel on her tongue. It was delicious, and she chewed slowly.
He fed her the entire sandwich this way and she savored each melty bite. Then he popped the top on the second can and tipped it to her lips. A little spilled down her chin as she sipped. Master Damon wiped it with his napkin.
“Such a hungry little bitch,” he said, chuckling. He fed her some potato chips and then gave her more Coke. This feeding the dog thing wasn’t nearly as sexy as the breakfast had been. But at least he hadn’t made her lap water from a bowl or play fetch with her food.
Finally, every morsel consumed, Master Damon got to his feet. “Stand up.”
Ellen rose from her kneeling position.
Moving behind her, he reached beneath her hair, unbuckled the collar and removed it. “No more doggie games for now.”
In spite of herself, Ellen’s hand fluttered up to her bare neck. She wanted the collar back, even if it was just a dog collar.
“Take the tray into the kitchen,” he said, stepping away from her. “Don’t worry about cleanup right now. Just come back into the living room. Our company should be here shortly.”
Ellen’s gut clenched. She didn’t want company. Who had he invited? What was he planning?
A slave doesn’t question her Master. A slave obeys.