Page 58 of Under His Control
The sudden, sharp sting juxtaposed perfectly with the buttery pleasure of the cock fucking her from behind. He struck her again, this time on the other cheek.
Ellen moaned, low and feral. She felt a fire behind her eyes, blazing forth as she stared into his cool green gaze.
“You need this, don’t you, sub girl?” He caressed her burning cheek. “You need the pain.” He slapped her again. “You need the debasement. You need to submit.”
“Yes,” she breathed, face burning, cunt sopping, clit pulsing. “God, yes.” Though she wasn’t crying, tears were streaming down her face.
The mechanized cock slammed in and out of her as Master Damon continued to alternately stroke and slap her. Her heart pounded like a jackhammer against her ribs.
“Do it, dirty girl,” he commanded in a low growl. “Come for me.” He slapped her again.
A shuddering climax rose inside her, wild, powerful and beyond her control. It was what she imagined being hit by lightning must feel like—caught in the powerful arc of current, held captive in its grip as it electrified every fiber of your being.
“Oh, god,” she heard herself wail. “Oh, fuck, oh god, oh god, Ooooooh….”
She opened her eyes. The machine was silent, the phallus withdrawn. Master Damon was releasing the straps that held her down. Then he was lifting her up and into his arms. Exhausted, elated, empowered, she snuggled against him as he carried her from the room.
Don’t do it, Damon told himself as he lowered Ellen to the bed.
Her eyes were closed, a dreamy expression on her face. Gently, he thumbed away a lingering tear from her soft cheek.
Turning from her, he went into the bathroom.
It would be a mistake, he argued as he ran warm water over a washcloth and added some soap.
She hadn’t moved when he returned to the bedroom. She lay sprawled like an invitation, her nipples hard, her lips parted, her legs spread.
She’ll get the wrong message, he lectured as he gently washed her still-swollen, orchid blossom labia.
She sighed softly as he ministered to her. Crouching between her legs, he dipped his head and placed the lightest kiss on her sweet cunt. The scent of her lingering arousal shot directly to his aching cock.
He had thought to lick her to another orgasm—a gift for how well she’d handled the scene—but his body had other ideas.
It’ll be fine, he reassured himself as he rolled from the bed and tore off his clothing. You’re not going to make love to her, for crying out loud. It’s just fucking. She wants it as much as you do.
Silencing the unwelcome running commentary in his brain, Damon lowered himself to the bed. Rising over Ellen, he covered her body with his. Her eyes flew open as he brought her arms over her head.
“Damon,” she breathed. Her eyes were shining.
“Shh,” he said, catching both wrists in one hand and pressing them into the mattress.
Gripping his hard shaft, he positioned himself between her legs. Her breasts were soft and yielding beneath him, her nipples hard. She lifted her hips to meet him, the invitation clear.
All his pent-up need came to the fore as he plunged into the tight, wet glove of her cunt in a single, smooth thrust. She cried out, either from pain or lust, he didn’t care. Holding her down by her wrists, he pummeled her sex, the pleasure nearly unbearable.
Her hips rose to meet each thrust, her ankles locking around his back. Sweat slicked between them, their bodies fever hot. She was panting, sexy little mewing sounds interspersed between breaths. He grunted in response, slamming into her with a fierce need that would have scared him if he’d been capable of conscious thought.
There was nothing but this moment, this woman, this hot, pulsing cunt gripping him tight in its silky wetness. Blinding pleasure ripped through him as he exploded inside her again and again and again…
With a groan of deepest satisfaction, he collapsed against her, his hand loosening its grip on her wrists. He lay that way a long time, vaguely aware he must be crushing her but too spent to move a muscle. Her legs had fallen back to the mattress. She lay still beneath him as their hearts slowed.
Eventually, he rolled over onto his back. With a deeply contented sigh, he let sleep drag him into its arms.
Damon opened his eyes, for a moment completely disoriented. The sky was dark outside the window. As his brain clicked back on, he turned to reach for Ellen, but the bed was empty.
He lay there for a moment, letting the full import of what had happened wash over him. He could couch it in whatever terms he wanted, but what they’d just done had broken all his internal rules. He should have had better self-control. He should have kept his damn dick in his pants.