Page 7 of Under His Control
“Awesome,” Tom said, getting to his feet. “This has been amazing.” He moved toward The Enclave Doms, shaking both Lawrence and Anthony’s hands vigorously. “I can’t thank you enough. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a slave girl to claim.”
Anthony chuckled. “Of course, Tom. You’ll be taking Juliette to your place in town?”
“Yep,” Tom said. He looked to Juliette. “I’d love to keep you naked, beautiful girl, but you’d probably better put something on for the drive down,” he said with a grin.
She looked up at him through her lashes, her mouth a sexy pout. “Yes, Master Tom.”
As she rose to her feet, Damon thought about his scene with Juliette. He’d enjoyed the look of erotic fear in her eyes as he’d put her through her paces. But behind the fear there’d been a coquettishness, even a sassiness, that he’d found a little off-putting. He sensed Tom would have his hands full with that one.
“What about you, Aaron?” Anthony asked, pulling Damon back to the moment. “Where will you be staying for the duration of the contract?”
“Since I’ve got a roommate, we’ll be staying at the BDSM bed-and-breakfast in town,” Aaron said, also getting to his feet. “I had already reserved a room, just in case,” he added with a broad smile. After shaking both men’s hands, Aaron nodded toward Amira, who rose gracefully from her cushion.
Amira had been Damon’s first choice, at least on paper. And while their brief scene had been intense and enjoyable, satisfying Damon’s sadistic impulses, he couldn’t deny that the connection with Ellen had been far more immediate and intense. Almost grudgingly, he was forced to admit The Enclave Doms had made the right choice for him.
As both couples left the room, Aaron gripping the back of Amira’s neck, Tom with his hand on Juliette’s ass, Anthony crossed the room and lowered himself into a seat recently vacated by Tom.
“I hope you’re both pleased with our selection,” he said, smiling at Damon and Ellen in turn. “While we’re aware your stated long-term goals might not fully align, I would advise you”—he placed a hand on Ellen’s shoulder—“both of you, to keep an open mind and heart.”
“Yes, Master Anthony,” Ellen replied softly.
Damon said nothing. The days when he would fall head over heels for a woman because of a hot scene or two were long gone. He had no time in his life for a relationship right now.
Anthony turned toward the huge picture window that looked out on the back of the property. “You can just see the cabin there, through those trees.”
Damon twisted to see what Anthony was pointing at. The day was overcast, snow flurries beginning to fall, but he could make out the small cabin nestled among the pines. “Yeah. I see it. It looks perfect.”
“It’s small but I think you’ll find everything you need. There’s a road leading to the cabin from the back parking lot. While I imagine you’ll want to spend most of your time there, you are welcome to visit us here in the big house any time. I sent Hans, one of our staff slaves, over to the cabin to get a fire going for you. The kitchen is well-stocked but if there’s anything you need, don’t hesitate to let us know.”
“This is all so incredible, Anthony,” Damon replied, still not quite believing it was all real. “Your hospitality and generosity are really over the top. I don’t know how to thank you.”
Anthony smiled. “This is our reason for being. It’s the vision behind The Enclave—to help people serious about a BDSM lifestyle find meaningful connections while enjoying the intensity of experience we all crave.”
Anthony placed his hand again on Ellen’s shoulder. “Are you happy with who we’ve chosen for you?”
Color again splashed over her cheeks as her gaze darted to Damon and then back to Anthony. “Yes, Sir,” she said in a voice that quavered ever so slightly. She swallowed visibly and straightened her spine, as if girding herself for a challenge. “I trust you and I trust the process.”
It occurred to Damon that he probably hadn’t been Ellen’s first choice either. No matter. He would soon make her forget anyone else existed.
Anthony nodded. “Good. I know you will please Master Damon.”
He got to his feet and Damon followed suit. “Oh, I almost forgot.” Anthony fished in his pocket and withdrew what looked like a small portable transponder. “Keep this on the dash of your car while you’re here. It will enable you to go in and out of the compound gate on your own in case you want to leave the property.”
“Great, thanks.”
As they shook hands, Anthony glanced toward Ellen with a fond smile. “Take good care of her.”
“Of course, Sir,” Damon said, the honorific slipping out automatically from his military days. Something about the older man simply commanded respect.
Anthony smiled. “Good man. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some business that needs attending.”
As Anthony left the room, Damon turned back to the naked woman. “I assume your stuff is down in the slave quarters?”
“Yes, Sir.” Ellen said, lifting her head to meet his gaze with those dark blue eyes.
He held out a hand. She hesitated, again swallowing visibly, before slipping her own small hand into his. As he pulled her upright, he said, “You’ve got a coat, right? It looks chilly out there.”
“Yes, Sir.”