Page 20 of Stolen Beauty
“The assumption is the company, but we’re getting confirmation. Wanted you to be aware.”
“What kind of work was she doing that would warrant monitoring?”
“Kairi said there are international laws regarding research.” Kairi works remotely, so I’ve never met her in person, but all the guys respect her. “She found research papers from Sloane on stem cell research and growing tissue. Both are areas governed by international law. The Caymans has a notoriously lenient legal environment. And she chose to do research there. That alone might have put her on a list. It could mean nothing. But, given she’s MIA and someone appears to be targeting her sister, I’m relaying the information. Sloane might be guilty of breaking international law.”
“Guilty or not, I’m still going to find her. I owe it to Sam.”
Max crosses his arms and stares down the bridge of his nose. “Sam?”
“These are his sisters. He’s not here. And that’s on me.”
“Jesus, Knox. For the thousandth time, that wasn’t your fault. You gotta let it go. Sam’s death is not on you. And I know damn well the shrinks told you the same damn thing.”
I swing the keys around my index finger, remembering Sam. His last wave. More of a casual salute. I blink the memory away.
“His death might not be.” The military shrink did say as much. “But I’m the one he asked to look out for his sisters if something happened to him. And that’s where we are.” I clap him on his back. “Let’s move the car.”
I get into the driver’s side, and Max opens the passenger side door. The dash is dust free, the seats shiny like someone polished the leather. It appears Sage takes good care of her vehicle.
“You worried someone’s going to track her to California?” Max asks.
I adjust the rearview and press the button on the ignition. It’s one of the new Broncos that’s smaller than the classic. Better gas mileage. Four-wheel drive. “Normally, I’d say no. But they burned down her house, so…all bets are off.” I sling an arm over the seat as I reverse to back out of the parallel spot.
“You know, if this is about Sloane, it’s possible Sloane mailed her something she didn’t even realize she had. Maybe that guy who broke into her place wasn’t after Sage at all. Maybe he just wanted something Sloane sent her. Couldn’t find it, so they burnt the house down to be safe.”
I pull out into the street, only to whip left into our drive and the line of parking spots for our place.
“That’s an interesting thought. Could be why the intruder didn’t look hard when he broke into her place. Maybe he sensed he wasn’t alone, and they didn’t hire him to kill. Could be after she left, they ransacked the place, still couldn’t find what they were looking for, and they cut their losses. There’s some logic to it. I mean, who mails letters these days? Especially internationally?”
“And you trust this girl? Sage?”
I put it in park and kill the ignition. Max is a teammate. One of Sam’s teammates. Brothers for life. “I know you’ve always got to assume the worst in everyone, but these are Sam’s sisters. They’re good people. Both of them.”
“And if they’re not?”
“I’ll stand by them. Do everything I can for them.”
Max’s expression is stoic. Unreadable. But I don’t need to read him to understand him. This is Max being Max. Figuring out where his team stands before the mission starts. Evaluating the angles. “And if she’s trying to loop us into something?—”
“Seriously? What could possibly be her end game?”
“I’m just saying. I’m having a hard time buying that she’d drive across the country to find you. There could be some other reason for pulling Arrow into this…whatever this is. Think about it. Interpol is involved. Getting Arrow involved could be a last resort to save her sister.”
“Did you not see her when she found out about her house? Her home? And how would she even know about Arrow? When Sam was alive, we didn’t work there.”
“All I’m saying is keep an open mind. I can tell you’re into her, but there are a lot of questions right now.”
“She has a boyfriend. She’s an old friend. A family friend. These are Sam’s sisters, and I’m going to help them. Both of them. And, by the way, Ryan called earlier. Erik updated him. He said Arrow’s on board to help.”
Ryan didn’t serve at the same time as Sam, but he’s stayed close with the commanding officers. He’s heard of Sam. Knows we lost him in Syria. Ryan’s got a sister of his own. He’ll do right by Sam.
And Max is being Max, but he’s got his head up his ass if he thinks Sage is playing us. I hope our theory that they were just eliminating incriminating evidence is spot on. It’s the best scenario. That would mean no one is coming after Sage. But right now, we don’t know. Right now, we are far too light on intel.