Page 50 of Stolen Beauty
Millie’s hackles line the center of her back.
“She’s not whimpering. Maybe it grazed her?” Sage’s voice cracks with concern for the dog. I can’t see the tears, but I hear them. How the hell did they find us? And who the fuck are they?
“It’s gonna be okay.” I smash Max’s name on my phone. The rumble of the engines tells me they haven’t left the spot where I knocked one down.
One ring. “Where on the peak?”
“Close to the bend where it levels out. I’m unarmed.”
“Cops on the way. I’m too far out.”
“We’ve got shrubs for cover.” In other words, shit cover.
“Sirens will be a diversion. Stay put.”
“Two tangoes. Shot my dog.” Fury has me seeing red. You don’t fucking shoot animals.
But they missed me. Under pressure? Cocky? Inexperienced? Amateur? Doubtful. Shooting while moving has a high margin of error, but maybe they weren’t aiming to hit, just to scare.
A movement to the northeast has me covering Sage’s back. A bird lifts off, wings spread wide.
Beyond the brush, there’s a clear expanse. A boulder. Then a bend that takes us to a frequently traveled trail section.
The engines grind in the distance.
What are they planning?
If they shot into this, with luck, they might get us. What are they doing? Waiting for us to move?
Have they positioned themselves to take us out when they get us in the scope?
A high-pitched squawk cuts through the air.
Fresh earth mixes with the faint scent of exhaust.
He used a silencer. Didn’t want to attract attention.
The rolling sound of a siren resonates in the distance.
I glance down at the phone.
Hold tight. OTW
Who the fuck would go to so much effort to get Sage? A kindergarten teacher. It’s Sloane. Has to be Sloane. What the hell has Sloane gotten herself into? Sam said she was off-the-charts brilliant.
The wail of sirens grows closer.
5 min ETA
A twig digs into my knee. Sage shakes her hand. An ant falls to the ground. Millie’s tongue lolls out of her mouth. Panting. No movement beyond the brush. Nothing on the peak. The engines are silent.
The cops can’t drive to us. The trail head is wide enough for a car only at the base.
I want to run. Round the bend. But there’s no reason for the risk.