Page 51 of Soldier of Death
I nod.
She cocks her head to the side. “Has he… you know?—”
“Will he let me leave with you?” I ask, not wanting to discuss the physical relationship I have with Niko. She’d understand but likely not approve of how much I enjoy it. Crave it. How sometimes, I think about staying.
“Not yet.”
I should feel disappointment, and maybe there is a little bit. If Niko’s behavior the last few days was fake, just to keep me compliant, then I don’t want to stay.
“I can be here for now, but of course, I have a home in Italy. I can’t stay too long. He seems adamant that you’re to stay with him.” She studies me. “He says you’re his. I’m sure it’s just that fucked up male-dominance thing, but…”
“But what?”
“I don’t know.” She looks around the room. “Maybe he likes you.”
I smile and her expression turns horrified. “Oh, no, Elena. You’re not falling for him, are you? Even if he likes you, you’re still not equal or respected. You’re like a pet.”
My smile falters. My instinct is to defend him, to tell her about the lovely walks each morning. The room he made for me. The way he touches me like I’m treasured. But she’s right. It’s all fake. He doesn’t even kiss me. If he liked me, he’d kiss me, wouldn’t he?
“It’s good that he’s treating you okay, but you’re not out of danger. He’s playing a very serious game, and I’m afraid you’ve been put into the middle of it. We need to be careful, act smart.”
The nausea that had become my constant companion threatens to rise again, but I swallow it. Lucia is right. Caution is paramount. If only my heart would listen. If only it didn't yearn for the impossible, a life of my choosing with Niko and a family made of love.
The light outside has begun to fade, the warmth of the sun cooling. A metaphor for my life at the moment.
“At the same time, Elena… and I hate to say this, but I think right now, being here with Niko is your safest bet.”
"I don’t understand." Confusion fills me.
"Things have escalated is this idiotic feud.”
“What are you talking about? What happened?” My mind is filled with questions. Possibilities of what could have led Niko to go to the city today. Had he killed my father? Romeo? Tiberius? Or had he simply humiliated them again?
Her gaze holds, and the intensity scares me. "Your friend Kate has been taken. They think it’s Dad.”
"Kate?" My voice cracks. “No. She’s not a part of any of this.”
“I’m sorry.” Lucia puts her arm around me, holding me close. “Why would Dad do that? There’s nothing she can give him.”
“I don’t know. I don’t think Niko and his goons know, either. But for now, you need to stay put. Niko has the power to protect you.”
"Protect me?" I scoffed as anger grew. "Or keep me his prisoner?"
"Sometimes, a cage can be a sanctuary."
“He promised me.” Now I’m seething.
“Promised? Promised what?”
I shoot up from the window seat and rush out the door, down the stairs and to Niko’s office. It’s a fool’s errand. It will quite possibly result in punishment, but I don’t care.
I reach his office, the towering dark wood of the door cautioning me that I shouldn’t try to penetrate his inner sanctum. But I’m too angry to heed the warning.
I knock. “Niko!”
I can hear the talking stop.
“Let me in.” I pound again.