Page 19 of Wreck Me Gently
Tony has me scheduled back-to-back over the weekend with some of my least favorite clients. Not only are they really into hurting me, but they say things to me, about me, that make me feel disgusting. Worthless.
Most of them wired Tony the money, but a few gave me cash, so I have to bring that to him afterwards. I have Parker for the night after this, and I can’t wait to get out of here and see him. He can’t stop me from having to do these jobs, but he makes me feel better about it all. Like maybe I’m not just what Tony’s molded me into.
When I hand Tony the cash, he tosses it on the kitchen counter behind him before crossing his arms over his chest and staring me down. “I had to give Ned a partial refund.”
“What? Why?” Ned was the second-to-last client I saw before coming here. He’d beaten the shit out of me with a belt before pinning to the floor and taking so hard that I thought I might break.
“He said you screamed too much.”
“He told me to,” I protest. “He said he wanted to hear me scream.”
“Obviously not that much.”
I bite my tongue so I don’t argue further. It doesn’t matter if I did what I was told or not. All that matters is Tony lost money.
“I’m sorry,” I say when I’m certain my voice will be neutral.
“I don’t want an apology,” Tony snaps, grabbing my ass and squeezing hard. “I want you to take this back out and bring me the money you cost me plus interest for it being late. You don’t get it here by tomorrow morning, I’ll let Mike know he can move in on your brother.”
Fear seizes my chest, nearly cutting off circulation. It’s been a while since I did something that made Tony threaten Jack. “I’ll have it to you by seven tomorrow morning. I promise.”
He searches my face before letting go of me and taking a step back. “Get out of my sight.”
My legs are shaking as I leave Tony’s house. The threat of Jack getting hurt hangs heavy on my shoulders. I’m supposed to be with Parker until six in the morning. There’s no way I can leave his place at the that time, make up the missing money plus interest, and get back to Tony all before seven. I could talk to Parker about letting me go early so I can see someone else, but that would make me lose money too because I couldn’t take the full amount from Parker if I didn’t stay the whole time.
I’m not sure what to do, and I still haven’t decided by the time I get to Parker’s apartment.
I must look worse than I thought because when Parker opens the door to greet me, his smile quickly falls into a frown. “What happened to you?”
I pull my hand out of his even though I don’t want to. “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your job to take care of me.”
“I have to go. I-I don’t think I’m coming back.”
“Rhys, don’t.” He takes a step forward, so I back up one. I can’t have him too close to me or I’ll lean into him. And he deserves someone better than me.
“I really need to go. I shouldn’t be here. I—”
“I’ll pay for you,” he interrupts. “I’ll pay whatever you need, Rhys. Just please don’t go.” He reaches for me again, but I pull my arms from his grip and cross them over my chest.
“No, Parker.”
“Please, I can’t. I—” He cuts himself off and presses his lips to mine. It’s urgent and desperate and hungry. I love that he kisses me like he can’t get enough of me.
But he shouldn’t be.
I pull back. “I can’t.”
“I’ll pay for you. Why can’t you stay? It’s your decision, right?”
It’s such an innocent question. He has no idea that I don’t make any decisions. I’m told what to do. Who to fuck. I have no control over my own body. It’s just something Tony uses to get more money.
Tears gather in my eyes, and they’re leaking out before I can stop them. Though I think a large part of it is because I’m in so much pain.
“Don’t cry, Rhys.” He says it softly, like the words hurt him. That only makes me cry harder.