Page 23 of Love You Still
“Do I get a say in what I wear?”
“Nope. Just put it on and be happy I’m here to help you.”
“Yes, and you love me for it.”
“Yes. I do,” I respond before walking back into the bathroom to get dressed.
Chapter 11
“Here goes nothing,” I mumble to myself as I grab the bottle of wine and two bouquets of flowers for Mrs. Grymes and Selina. I picked them up from the store on the way here. I know both are going to declare I didn’t need to bring them anything, but there’s no way I was showing up here without something to offer as a thank-you for inviting me.
Coming over to the Grymeses’ house for family dinner isn’t anything new. I’ve been doing it for years; I even came while Selina was away in New York. But the fact that she’ll be here tonight, especially after what almost happened at the dance studio, is exactly why I should have declined their offer to come to dinner.
Selina has been doing anything in her power to ensure we aren’t even in the same room together for an extended period. If it were anyone else, I’d back off and give them space. But Selina is different. I’ve been waiting for over a decade for a chance to win her back, and I’ll be damned if I let this chance slip through my fingers. Selina has no plans on staying in town long term, although her actions say otherwise. Either way, I need to remindher of how good we were together and to allow herself to open her heart to me again.
“It’s just dinner at the Grymeses’. Nothing different from what you’ve done for most of your life,” I say to myself before turning to the mirror and examining my reflection.
I run my hand through my hair, trying to tame the tousled mane on top of my head. My hair seems to have a mind of its own. Instead of the tousled, windblown look I usually have, it’s a complete mess. Pieces are pointing in different directions, no doubt from how many times I’ve run my fingers through it in the last hour. Turning from left to right, I try desperately to tame my hair, making sure there isn’t a single strand out of place. My eyebrows are pulled down in concern as I run my hand along my beard, attempting to smooth down the scraggly pieces of hair sticking in every direction.
“I really should’ve gotten a haircut,” I mutter, just as I feel a firm hand grip my shoulder, causing me to spin around quickly.
“Hey, Vance. It’s good to see you,” Mr. Grymes says, a knowing smile spread across his face. “You look fine.”
Mr. Grymes wasn’t only the girl I was in love with’s father, but he was mine, as well. He and Mr. B were always there for me, teaching me what it means to be a good man. He taught me all the things a father would teach his son, and so much more. I thought that after Selina left for New York, things would change, but true to his word, he was always there for me, no matter what I needed. Whether it was a shoulder to lean on or someone to talk to when life got tough, he offered advice whenever he could. I always felt weird talking to him about Selina, but he never passed judgment. He always said that he refused to choose sides because he loved us both dearly. The only thing he wanted was for the two of us to find happiness, even if that meant it wasn’t with each other.
“Thanks,” I reply, my cheeks heating slightly from embarrassment and suddenly feeling very overdressed. I decided to forgo my usual work boots and jeans for a more polished look. I own exactly one pair of dress shoes—that thankfully still fit when I put them on a few hours ago—and paired them with a pair of light khaki pants and a royal blue dress shirt. The exact opposite of what Allen is wearing. I should’ve known that tonight wasn’t going to be anything different for him. He’s the picture of comfort in his dark-wash jeans and white polo shirt tucked into the waistband. To him, this is just a regular family dinner, nothing out of the norm.
“I feel like I’m twelve years old again, coming to the house to tell you how in love with your daughter I am.”
“You were much shorter then.” He chuckles softly, his green eyes shining with mirth. “There’s no need to be nervous, Vance. I’ve watched you grow into a man worthy of my daughter’s love.”
“Unfortunately, that’s where you’re wrong, sir. I’ll never be worthy of Selina, but I’ll strive every day for the rest of my life to be a better man for her.”
“What’s up with this ‘sir’ nonsense, son? Call me Allen, just as you’ve done since you graduated high school.”
“That was before I was trying to convince your daughter to fall in love with me again.” I chuckle darkly, adjusting the two bouquets of flowers in my arm slightly.
Allen is the least intimidating man I’ve ever met. Even when Selina and I started dating, he was laid-back about almost everything besides making his daughter cry. If I ever did that, I knew there would be hell to pay. But today feels different. It’s like I have to prove myself to him all over again, so making a good first impression is important.
“You say that as if she ever stopped loving you.” He reaches his hand out toward me, and I grip it in my hand before givinghim a firm handshake. I eye him skeptically for a few minutes, trying to make sense of his cryptic words.
“You’re thinking too much about this, Vance. Let’s make our way inside. You know how much Patricia hates when we let dinner get cold.” Allen smiles before he releases my hand and strides to the front door.
I follow closely behind him, pausing for a few moments to calm my nerves before stepping through the front door. Although I’ve been in this house a million times, something feels different today. Maybe it’s the anticipation of seeing Selina again for the first time in a week, but there’s a charge in the air. A feeling that what happens tonight could change everything between Selina and me for the better or ruin any chance of us reconciling with each other.
“What’s for dinner tonight, Mrs. Grymes? I’m starving.” I force a smile as I enter the open-concept living room-kitchen combo behind Allen.
“My name is Patricia. Mrs. Grymes was my mother-in-law. Now, come give me a hug and kiss.”
Patricia is almost the exact opposite of Selina. At one point, they had the same long brown hair, but she isn’t tall like her daughter. We used to tease her about not even being tall enough to get on the kid rides at the carnival when it came through town. She’s also dressed for comfort today, wearing a pair of black leggings and an oversized shirt that comes down to her mid-thigh.
“As if I was planning on doing anything else,” I reply, placing my gifts on the counter as I make my way around the island. She immediately envelops me in a warm hug, her head barely coming to the center of my chest as she wraps her arms around me. My shoulders sag in relief as I plant a kiss on the top of her head. “Aren’t you the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen?”
Patricia Grymes has always doted on Selina and all her friends, me included. Although I had my mother with me for most of my childhood, Patricia and Allen were the ones who gave me a family. I love my mother with all my heart, but spending time with the Grymeses was like being a part of a family. Our bond goes beyond me once being Selina’s boyfriend. We are family. We may not be related by blood, but the Grymeses and Bennetts are the family I chose. The people who I know will give me the shirts off their backs, and I’d do the same for them.