Page 61 of Love You Still
Images of what my life with Vance would be like filter through my mind. Nights spent sitting on the deck, swinging in our swing, and telling each other about our days. I can see it all laid out in front of me, and I yearn for it with all my being. I’ve wanted to be a prima ballerina for most of my life, but it wasn’t until this moment that I realized I have something else that I cherish more than anything. More than being in the spotlight.
“Dreams can change,” I respond, tears pooling in my eyes.
“They can,” she agrees. “Just because this isn’t what you envisioned your life being at this point, doesn’t mean it isn’t meant to be.”
Vance has been waiting for me to invite him into my life completely since the day I left. It’s time I finally gave him that answer.
“What if I’m too late?” I ask the one question that has been filtering through my mind during this entire conversation.
Once again, I left Vance, not bothering to include him in my decision. What if that’s the final straw, the thing that sends him over the edge, and he turns his back on me for good?
“Then he’s an idiot,” Brittany retorts without hesitation.
“Thank you,” I whisper to my friend before pulling her in for a hug.
If it wasn’t for her making me open up about everything that was going on since I left, I never would have admitted to myself how this injury had changed things for the better.
“Anytime. Just promise to name your firstborn after me, and we can call it even.”
“You got it,” I reply, just as my phone rings.
I search in my bag and pull it out, noticing the familiar number from the ballet on the screen. I take a deep breath before answering and listen intently to the person on the other end.
“Hi. This is Stefanie from the New York City Ballet. We’re delighted to inform you that you have been selected to perform the role of Juliet in this season’s production ofRomeo and Juliet.”
I look over at my friend and grip her hand. “Thank you for this opportunity, but my place is with my students,” I respond confidently.
“We understand. If there is anything the company can do for you in the future, please let us know.”
“Thank you. I have one small favor to ask.” I pause and flash Brittany a bright smile. “I know it’s not my place, but I would recommend Brittany Hayden for the part. There are very few people I know who can light up a stage the way she does.”
Brittany gasps in surprise as tears pool in her eyes.
“I’ll pass your recommendation along, but the final decision rests with the director,” Stefanie informs me.
“I understand. Thank you.” I hang up the phone and turn to my friend. “I hope they aren’t dumb enough to give the part to someone else.”
“That doesn’t matter right now.” She raises her hand to get the server’s attention.
Once they arrive at the table, we ask for the check. Once we have settled the bill, we quickly hail a cab and head to her apartment in Hell’s Kitchen.
“Now it’s time to get you to the airport. You have a man to catch.”
We both laugh as we stand from the table and head to the front of the restaurant. Although this trip didn’t turn out the way I thought, I have no regrets. I’ve lived my dream, but now it’s time to find my destiny.
The entire flight home, I try to imagine how my conversation with Vance will go, but none of the outcomes are what I want.
“Penny for your thoughts?” a voice asks from beside me.
I turn to my right and notice an older woman sitting next time me who looks a lot like Betty White. Her silver hair is perfectly styled, one side pinned behind her ear by a beautiful comb, a soft smile on her face. “You look like you have a lot on your mind and could use someone to talk to.”
I contemplate brushing her off but decide against it. Having someone to talk through all these emotions in my mind with might be helpful and alleviate some of my nerves about seeing Vance.
“I’m headed back home to see someone I hurt pretty badly,” I reply as she lays her tiny hand on top of mine. “I just hope he isn’t tired of waiting for me to make up my mind.”
“If he loves you, he’ll wait until the end of time for you to be together.”
“I hope so, but I’ve kept him waiting for a very long time. I kept putting my dreams before everything else, not once askinghim what he thought or felt. Expecting that he’d wait for me to come home.”