Page 111 of Side By Side
Belle chuckled against her skin and asked, “Yeah?” Then, her hand moved between Chandler’s legs and stalled over her panties.
“Yes,” Chandler said.
“Are you answering my question or telling me to touch you?”
“Yes,” she repeated.
Belle smiled down at her before she lowered her lips to Chandler’s collarbone, kissing and sucking while she moved her center over Chandler’s thigh and started to rock down.
“God, Belle!”
Chandler’s hands hadn’t stopped moving, running over the well-defined muscles in Belle’s back and down to her ass, which she’d cupped over her underwear before she’d slipped them under to grip Belle’s ass as hard as she could.
Belle’s lips were on the move, too, licking and sucking at Chandler’s nipples before they moved lower and moved all over Chandler’s stomach. When Belle then reached for the hem of her panties, Chandler knew Belle had to be able to smell her. She was so wet and ready for this; it would be impossible for Belle not to.
“May I?” Belle asked.
Belle shifted and pulled off Chandler’s panties.
“Yours too, please.”
Belle smiled before she reached down and pulled off her own underwear. Chandler didn’t get much of a look, though, unfortunately, because Belle was back between her legs. She kissed up and down Chandler’s thighs, getting closer and closer to where Chandler needed her desperately.
“Please,” she begged and moved her hand to the back of Belle’s head.
Belle looked up at her and asked, “You want me to start with that?”
“Yes, please,” she begged again.
Belle smiled up at her and said, “I can’t believe this is happening.”
Then, she moved her hand to Chandler’s center and spread her. Chandler watched Belle take her in, smile, and lick her lips. Belle wanted this. Chandler wasn’t sure which of them wanted it more, but when Belle took her, she knew it was her.
“Oh, God!”
Having gripped Chandler’s hips, Belle didn’t waste any more time, and for that, Chandler was grateful. Belle let her tongue flick Chandler harder and faster, grunting a little as she did, and Chandler loved those grunts. She also loved watching Belle’s head bob a little as she brought her quickly to her first orgasm. She loved watching Belle lick her lips again before she wiped her chin and kissed Chandler’s thighs over and over again as if she couldn’t stop.
“I can’t…” Chandler let out, still trying to catch her breath.
Belle moved on top of her, though, and she kissed her hard. Her hand was back between Chandler’s legs, and she was stroking Chandler’s clit softly, likely to help her come down all the way or possibly bring her back up.
“Please,” Belle requested. “I need to be inside you now.”
Chandler nodded rapidly then because she needed that, too. When Belle pushed inside her with one finger, Chandler knew she was very wet. So much so that it had been easy for Belle to pull out and push back in with two. Chandler didn’t need to adjust at all before Belle was pushing and curling inside her as she kissed Chandler slowly now. Chandler could taste herself on Belle’s lips, and gone were all the thoughts of what could have been because no matter the fantasies she’d had over the years, this was better. This would always be better.
Belle moved her lips to Chandler’s neck to give her the space to scream out her pleasure, which Chandler did. She’d never been loud during sex, but with Belle pressed against her, pushing inside her, Chandler cried out as the orgasm tore through her, and she held on to Belle’s back, needing something – no, someone – no, Belle specifically – to ground her. When she came down, her arms around Belle went limp and fell to her sides on the bed.
Her eyes opened shortly after, and she saw Belle kissing around her face before pecking her on the lips sweetly. Then, Belle moved down again, but not to make Chandler come with her mouth. She rested her chin on Chandler’s stomach and stared up at her.
It was lame, but that was all Chandler could say.
“Yeah, wow,” Belle agreed with a smile.