Page 114 of Side By Side
“Yeah, we.”
“You mean, you and I go in there together, like we spent the night at my place after our first date?”
“He knows we went on a date?”
“Yes, I told him.”
“Was I not supposed to?”
“No, I like that you did.” Chandler smiled at her. “I just didn’t know.”
“I tell him pretty much everything.”
“I know. He’s aware that I kissed you and then picked on you with the others, so now that we’re dating, I don’t know how he’s going to feel about that.”
“What do you mean?” Belle asked and climbed out of bed. “He likes you.”
“As the woman skating with his daughter, who is maybe also a friend. But as the woman dating his daughter?”
“Can you just call yourself my girlfriend, please?” Belle asked as she walked into the bathroom. “It’s easier than the whole ‘woman dating his daughter’ thing. And you said you knew what I meant earlier, so no takebacks.”
Chandler laughed a little and got out of bed as well, following Belle into the bathroom.
“No takebacks. But are you sure? That’s a pretty big title, and I’ve never had one of those.”
“Do you need more time? I don’t even know that I asked. Are you out at home? I know you’re not out in the skating world, but with your family?”
“No, but I’ll tell them soon. Well, the next time one of them actually calls or stops by the house, I’ll tell them.”
“You don’t have to just for me.” Belle turned on the shower.
“I’m not. I wouldn’t be, I mean. I’d be doing it for me. It’s time. I’m ready. Plus, I have a hot girlfriend now that I want to show off.” Chandler moved behind Belle and wrapped her arms around her, kissing Belle’s back. “That’s the first time I’ve ever said that I have a girlfriend.”
“How does it feel?”
“Really good. Especially because it’s you. I can’t believe we got here.”
“Me neither,” Belle said as she smiled. Then, she added, “Okay. I shower really fast in the morning. Are you ready for this? The water will be freezing.”
“Oh, I can handle it. I do this every morning.”
“Okay. Let’s go.” She motioned for Chandler to go in first.
“Oh, no way. You get in there before me.”
Belle laughed and pulled on Chandler’s hands until they were both under the freezing cold water.
“Oh, shit!” Belle yelped and laughed.
“Why do we do this?”
“Because it helps us wake up.”
“Sex does that, too. Let’s just have sex in the morning from now on.”
Belle laughed, pulled her in for a kiss, and kept her arms around Chandler, feeling suddenly warm. After they showered, they dressed and found the car waiting for them outside the house. Chandler had her head on Belle’s shoulder the whole ride to her dad’s house. When they got there, he was still asleep, as Belle had predicted, so Chandler waited in the living room while Belle took out some of the trash that had piled up and replenished his supplies. Then, they got into her truck and headed to the Ice Park.