Page 132 of Side By Side
“What, exactly, were you thinking about?”
“I don’t want to go home, Belle. That’s not really my home, anyway. It’s a house. My sister still lives there, and I think she might stay, but I don’t want to.”
Belle kissed between Chandler’s breasts.
“And I know this place is small, but we’ve done okay living here together so far.”
Belle looked up at her and said, “You want to move in?”
“I’d like you to consider letting me, yeah. I was also thinking that maybe I could officially work for the Ice Park, too. I don’t have to get paid. My parents aren’t taking away my trust fund, and I got some of it at twenty-five. I’ll get the rest when I turn thirty.” Chandler cleared her throat. “It’s archaic, but I have to be thirty and married. If I’m not married by then, I’ll get it once I’m married. I hate it, and I’m not asking you right now or anything, but my point is that I’m okay on money, so I don’t need a paycheck. Maybe I can just be there as an official volunteer or something.”
“Official volunteer? We don’t really have any of those.”
“I know. I could be your first. Or, your only.”
“You already are my only.” Belle kissed her on the hard nipple she’d managed to resist touching so far this morning.
“Cute. But you know what I mean.”
“You want to work at the Ice Park officially?”
“I like it.”
“You do not.” She laughed a little and kissed Chandler’s other nipple.
“Babe, yes, I do.” Chandler cupped Belle’s chin and made her look up at her. “Do you really not know that?”
“I guess I did. But I didn’t think you’d want to do this full-time. I thought you were just doing it while we were in training. Then, you’d go on and train for the Games in hopes of getting selected.”
“You thought I’d go?”
“I don’t know. I guess maybe I did. I didn’t want you to.” Belle wrapped her arms tightly around Chandler’s middle and pressed her forehead between Chandler’s breasts. “I don’t want you to go anywhere. I want you here.”
“Here, as in this apartment?”
Belle nodded.
“Really?” Chandler asked.
“Yes. I want you here. I love our routine. This place isn’t exactly what you’re used to, though, so are you sure?”
“We could stay here until your lease is up. Then, we could see about finding something else if we want.”
“I don’t exactly have a lease,” she shared.
“What do you mean?”
“I have a lease, technically – it’s legal and everything – but the guy who owns the building lets me go month-to-month. He’s a friend of my dad’s. I didn’t ask for it, but he offered because he didn’t see me sticking around town. I like it here, though. My dad’s here. The Ice Park is here.” She kissed Chandler between her breasts again. “And now, you’re here, too.”
“I’m third on your list, huh?” Chandler teased and ran her hands into Belle’s hair.
“No, you’re just the most recent. We can stay here for a while, and when we want to go, we can find something else.”