Page 44 of Side By Side
“No.” Chandler shook her head.
“Ma’am, the car is pulling up the driveway,” their housekeeper said when she walked into the living room.
“Thank you,” Chandler replied. “And, in general, don’t be a bitch to her. We want her to stay.”
“If it works,” Catalina added. “We want her to stay if it works.”
“Sure. Whatever. I’ll get her.”
“Go for it.”
Chandler walked into the foyer and pulled open the door, finding Belle in her driveway, standing off to the side of the driver, who was unloading her bags.
“I can get those,” Belle said to him.
“Nonsense, Ma’am,” he replied.
“Hi,” Chandler said with a smile.
Belle looked over and said, “Oh, hey.” She smiled back. “So, all this space, and no McDonald’s?”
Chandler laughed and said, “Sorry to disappoint you. He’ll get your bags to your apartment. You don’t have to wait.”
Belle looked at her bags and then over to Chandler. She walked to the door, where Chandler stood, and leaned in a little.
“Do I tip him?”
“No, it’s all taken care of,” Chandler replied, thinking it was kind of adorable how Belle had just asked that.
“Okay. Well, I’m here.”
“You are here, yeah.”
“So, what do we do?”
“Dinner,” Chandler said.
“Great. I’m starving.”
“Do you want to see the apartment first, or can you wait until after we eat?”
“After is fine,” Belle replied.
“Come on in, then,” Chandler said and motioned for Belle to walk in before her.
“Holy crap,” Belle let out when she walked inside the foyer. “My whole apartment could fit inside this room.”
“No, it couldn’t,” Chandler said with a little laugh.
“Yes, it could. That’s a chandelier.” Belle pointed to the massive chandelier, which was a little too gaudy for Chandler’s taste, but her mother had picked it out.
“Yes, it is,” she replied. “Want to take off your coat?” She nodded to the housekeeper standing off to the side. “She’ll take it for you and hang it up. That’s Antonia, by the way. She’s the best. If you need anything, you can ask her. She basically runs everything around here.”
Belle turned to Antonia and held out her hand.
“Nice to meet you.”
Antonia looked confused for a moment but shook Belle’s hand and said, “You too, Ma’am.”