Page 65 of Side By Side
“Chandler, if she hasn’t, she should. You were little kids; both of you.” Belle placed her hand on the small of Chandler’s back, and before she knew it, Chandler had turned, and they were hugging. “Oh,” she let out.
She pulled Chandler in against herself and felt Chandler’s warm breath on her neck. She knew they were having this moment because of Catalina and not because of the two of them, but it still felt good holding Chandler like this. It felt a little too good, though, so when Chandler finally pulled out of the hug and looked toward the snow at their feet, Belle didn’t argue when all she wanted to do was pull Chandler back in for more.
“Chandler, come on. What is going on with you today?”
Chandler looked up from the ice. She’d just mistimed another jump and had landed on her ass for at least the fourth time that day, and it was only five o’clock. Thankfully, dinner would be at seven, so Catalina would let them be done for the day soon. Chandler had a vision of a hot bubble bath in her future, right after she iced parts of her body that didn’t normally require ice at all.
“I’m done, Cat. It’s been a long day. We’ve been at this since seven.”
“And you two still don’t have it. Belle lifts you on the one. You’re down on the five. It’s an eight-count. Your jump is on the next seven. It’s a simple toe loop. It shouldn’t cause you any problems.”
“Maybe she’s just tired,” Belle suggested. “It has been a long day.”
“You two didn’t even have a real workout this morning. You should have more energy today, not less. Let’s go again. We’re not leaving until we can get this sequence right.”
Chandler stood and made her way over to Belle. They skated, picking up speed until it was time for the lift, while Catalina counted them off. Belle lifted her. Chandler stayed up until it was time to come down. They joined hands again and made it to the five when they let go, and on the seven, they both jumped. Chandler didn’t fall this time, but she also didn’t stick the landing. Belle was at her side, holding her upright.
“You okay?”
“Yeah,” she said softly. “Thanks.”
“I am at a loss with you,” Catalina stated and ran her hands over her face.
“Then, fucking go!” Chandler couldn’t believe those words had just come out of her mouth, but they had, and they’d been loud, too.
“What?” Catalina asked.
“I said go,” Chandler replied and moved out of Belle’s hands and toward her sister. “If you don’t like it, just go. I’m sure we’ll be fine without you.”
“Chandler, what has gotten into you?”
“I’m so tired of being yelled at by you.”
“I’m your coach. I’m trying to get the best performance out of you.”
“By yelling at me? Picking on every little thing I do wrong, never telling me when I do something right?”
Catalina looked over Chandler’s shoulder at Belle and said, “This is you, isn’t it?”
“Uh… No,” Belle replied. “I’m just standing here.”
“You’re a bad influence.”
“No, she’s not,” Chandler retorted. “She’s trying her best. And you’ve been nothing but an asshole to her today, too. You told her you could make her lose her paycheck, Cat.”
“And I can. I’m in charge. If she’s not performing, she goes. It’s a business decision. We’ve talked about this, Chandler. God, why are you such a child?”
“Because you fucking treat me like one. You and Mom both do, and I’m done. I told you before that I want a sister.”
“And I told you that I’m your coach right now. You need a coach, Chandler. You need someone like me, who knows you. I know what you can do. What you can handle; what you can’t. I even know a little of what Belle can do now and what she can’t.”
“Well, whatever you know, it’s not translating to our performance today, so why don’t you just go?”
“Maybe I should go. Seems like you two should do some talking,” Belle suggested.
“No, you’re the reason this is happening,” Cat retorted. “She never acted like this with Walker. I should’ve trusted my initial instincts and gone with Justin. He’d be a little rough around the edges, but at least I wouldn’t be training you for something that doesn’t matter. Three same-sex couples have registered for the competition. Three. Does everyone get a damn medal now? That’s what we’re coming to in this sport, huh?”