Page 13 of Healing the Twin
“That’s not even the worst of it.”
“Worse than turning you down?”
“Turns out he misunderstood, so he agreed after all…and then I kicked him out for treating me like I was fragile.”
York’s mouth dropped open. “What the fuck?”
I leaned forward. “Look, all I wanted was sex. Dirty-fuck-me-into-the-mattress sex. The kind I still feel two days later. Was that too much to ask?”
“And he couldn’t deliver?”
I waved my hand dismissively. “He was way too nice. Too slow. Like he was afraid I was gonna break or something. And I flat out told him what I wanted, and he still couldn’t do it, so I kicked him out. Well, I told him things weren’t gonna work out, and he left in a huff, but same difference.”
York made a sound like a snort, then slapped his hand over his mouth. “Sorry.”
“You’re laughing?”
“I said I was sorry. But you kicked Tomás Banner out, only one of the most famous models in the world. For not being able to sexually satisfy you.”
He still had a hard time holding back his laughter, and I grinned as well. “It’s not funny, asshole.”
He finally let go, and his laughter boomed through the room. “It’s hysterical. I’m sure he’s used to people fawning over him. Maybe it’s good for him to be turned down for once.”
“Maybe.” My laughter died. “I feel bad. He looked shocked when he left. And angry.”
“He rejected you. You rejected him. You’re even now.”
“That’s not why I did it. Shit, what if he thinks that’s why I kicked him out?”
“Dude, on a good day, I have no clue what other people are thinking, let alone when I’m tired on a Friday evening, and we’re talking about Tomás fucking Banner.”
“I don’t want him to think I wanted revenge or something.” I rubbed my forehead. “Ugh, now I feel even worse about rejecting him.”
York frowned. “Do you think you and Tomás are sexually compatible? Not to judge, but he’s been around the block a few times, so to speak, and you’re still grieving Samuel.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t want sex. I don’t wanna marry him, York. I just wanted him to fuck me. Was that too much to ask?”
“Maybe your expectations were a bit high.”
When Tiago and Tomás had returned to Forestville for the school reunion, I’d mentioned my crush on Tomás to York. To his credit, he’d never made fun of it.
I let out a long sigh. “Yeah, maybe. It’s just…disappointing, you know? I’ve been fantasizing about him for so long, and now that we got together, it wasn’t at all like I’d expected.”
“Hey.” York placed a hand on my arm. “It’s better to find out now than later, right? Besides, there are plenty of other guys who would love to be with someone as amazing as you.”
For someone who, by his own admission, struggled with social skills, York did a good job of making me feel better. I smiled weakly, appreciating his attempt to cheer me up. Inside, though, my disappointment festered, gnawing at me. Could I have done anything differently? Had I been too hard on Tomás? “Thank you.”
“Maybe you need to put it behind you and move on, find someone else.”
“Maybe.” The word came out more as a sigh than anything else. As much as I wanted to believe York’s words, the thought of walking away from Tomás left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Seeking a distraction from the growing heaviness in my chest, I turned the conversation to a lighter topic. “So, what’s been happening with you and your work? Any breakthroughs?”
York leaned forward on the couch, his eyes lighting up. “Actually, yeah. We had a major breakthrough that will impact all our systems and upgrade them to the highest level, but it’s all very hush-hush. My boss keeps telling me this country has enemies who would be all too happy to get their hands on this technology.”
I frowned. York was a research engineer with a military firm and often worked on highly classified systems he couldn’t discuss. While I respected his dedication to his work, I couldn’t help but feel concerned for his well-being. “That sounds…intense. Are you sure you’re safe?”
York waved my concerns away with a nonchalant shrug. “He’s overreacting. Sure, what we’re doing is groundbreaking, but no one knows any specifics. Other than me, I mean. Even my boss doesn’t understand the math behind it, so he’s making this thing much bigger than it needs to be. Hell, he even got a federal agency involved. Honestly, I’m more excited about the potential impact of our project than anything else.”