Page 58 of Healing the Twin
Tiago held up his hands. “I appreciate you trying, that’s all. I’ll leave the rest up to you two.”
When my lunch break arrived, offering me a moment of respite from the hectic pace of my clinic, I settled down at my desk, unwrapping the sandwich I’d packed earlier that morning. As I took a bite, my thoughts wandered to Tomás, as they had all morning. Tiago’s words kept playing through my head. Was he right? Could there ever be something more between Tomás and me?
My belly fluttered, and I cursed myself for my stupidity. Hope was such a dangerous thing. When Samuel had been diagnosed, things had looked bleak, but then we’d heard about an experimental new treatment that might work. For two months, we lived with the hope he could maybe beat cancer after all…only to be devastated all over again when it didn’t have an effect on him. Sometimes it was better to accept reality and not let hope in.
But no matter what, I had to contact Tomás. Someone needed to be there for him, and it couldn’t be Tiago. Taking a deep breath, I pulled out my phone and composed a text message. My fingers hovered over the screen for a moment, but then I found the words.
Tiago said you were in London. Just wanted to check in on you and see how you’re doing. Can I call you?
I hit Send, my heart pounding as I awaited his response. A part of me worried about how he would react to my reaching out. Would he welcome my concern or reject it outright?
The reply came almost immediately.
I’d love to talk to you.
Relief flooded me, and I hit the Call button.
“Hey,” Tomás answered, sounding tired.
“I hope you don’t mind me calling. Just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
During the brief silence on the line, I held my breath. “Thank you for that. That means a lot to me.”
My heart went out to him as I imagined the loneliness and uncertainty he must be feeling. As much as I wanted to reach through the phone and offer some comfort, all I could do was lend an ear and try to be the support he needed. “I know you’re struggling, and I want you to know you’re not alone. I’m here for you, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you get through this.”
After a few seconds, Tomás responded, his voice hesitant. “You really care about me, don’t you?”
His words caught me off guard, and I fumbled for the right words. “Of course I do, Tomás. We go way back, and besides, we’re friends, right? Sort of. I mean, I would consider us friends, even if we’re more…” I exhaled, ending my embarrassing ramble. “Of course I care.”
“Thank you. I’m serious when I say how much that means to me, Fir. And yes, I consider us friends as well.”
He did? I swallowed. “I’m glad to hear that. I know we weren’t friends back in high school.”
Jesus, why on earth had I brought that up? Somehow I could never manage to be as cool and suave as I wanted to be with Tomás. He had this unnerving effect on me.
He chuckled lowly. “No, but not because I disliked you. Besides, you had friends back then. You weren’t lonely.”
“No, I wasn’t. And you had a wonderful group of friends. Well, other than Essex.”
He was quiet for a few beats. “We didn’t know.”
“Didn’t know what?” I had an inkling, but I needed him to say it.
“How much of a bully he was. York talked to Tiago at the reunion last year and told him how awful Essex had been to him. And that made me remember how nasty he was to you at our graduation.”
I sighed. “Not just them. He was a bully, Tomás. To me and some others, including York. But he was smart enough to rarely do it in front of you guys. He damn well knew you would’ve stopped it.”
“We would have. I swear, if I’d known, I would’ve kicked his ass.”
“I know.”
“You do?”
“I never had any doubts. Auden wouldn’t have tolerated it, first and foremost, but you, Tiago, and Marnin would’ve put an end to it as well. The four of you were never mean.”
“Even Marnin? He’s Mr. Grumpy himself.”
I chuckled. “That man is all bark and no bite. Trust me, he’s a softie on the inside.”