Page 12 of Dragon's Surprise
Oh shit. Should Adar have checked that with Sivney as well? He hadn’t even thought of that. “He’ll be present to keep an eye on Oliver and make sure I do nothing wrong. Since Oliver can’t talk and all.”
Sivney blinked. “You asked Delton to be present the whole time?”
“Yes. Should I have asked you for permission for that? I didn’t think of it. I mean, he’s not gonna be involved. He’s just gonna watch and make sure Oliver is okay. I didn’t think that needed permission…or was I wrong?”
Sivney clicked his tongue as he slowly shook his head. “The stupidity of alphas sometimes… I can’t even.”
Stupidity? What was he talking about? “I thought it would be good to have someone there. Oliver was grateful when I asked him.”
Sivney blew out a breath. “It’s a good thing, Adar, and I commend you for thinking of it. You’re looking out for your…for Oliver, and that’s beautiful. I just wish you’d…” Another sigh. “Never mind. Not your fault.”
The sharp ping of an incoming text jolted Adar. He checked his phone. “I need to go. It’s starting.”
“Good luck. And, Adar…”
Adar looked up, his fingers already flying over the screen to respond to Oliver.
“Be kind to Delton. Don’t forget, he’s only human.”
He’s only human? What was that supposed to mean? Still, Adar nodded. He’d figure that out later. Right now, he had more important things to worry about.
Finlay and Gael stood waiting outside at the front door of Oliver’s cabin. “He’s ready for you,” Finlay said softly. “Adar, please…”
The dragon omegas had a hard time addressing alphas, so even those few words were a big thing for Finlay. Adar put a gentle hand on his shoulder. “I know. I promise I’ll take good care of him.”
“Thank you.”
“No need to thank me. Just so you know, I asked Delton to stay with us to keep an eye on Oliver, and he’ll be here in a minute or two.”
Finlay’s mouth dropped open, and he shared a look with Gael. “You asked Delton?”
Why was everyone so surprised about that? “Yes. Why shouldn’t I have?”
“I don’t know, maybe because?—”
A firm hand clamped over Finlay’s mouth kept him from finishing that sentence. Gael smiled sweetly at Adar. “Nothing. Ignore him. All good.”
People were acting strange today. Maybe something was in the air with multiple dragons going into heat? Whatever. He shrugged it off as he went inside, where a tantalizing smell wrapped around him, beckoning him upstairs. His cock was hard as iron before he even set foot inside Oliver’s bedroom.
His angel was stretched out on his bed, dressed in his underwear. His creamy skin was flushed, his cheeks rosy, and by the glassy look in his pretty blue eyes, Adar could tell he was already sucked into his heat.
“Adar…” Oliver sighed, pushing himself up.
He had spoken! His angel had spoken to him, and the very first word had been Adar’s name. “I’m here, angel. I’ll take good care of you.”
How should he start? He’d better let Oliver take the lead, especially until Delton got here. So he gingerly sat on the bed, but before he’d even touched the mattress, Oliver climbed onto his lap and latched onto him. He smashed their mouths together with an aggressiveness Adar hadn’t seen coming, and it took him a second to process this was happening. Oliver was kissing him.
Correct that. He was mauling him, pushing his tongue into Adar’s mouth and nipping his bottom lip with his teeth. The sharp sting of pierced skin shot straight to Adar’s cock, and he moaned. Oliver shifted his weight, gyrating as he pressed down on Adar’s erection, and he had to fight not to come.
Oliver whimpered as he repeated his movement. Shit, if he kept doing that, Adar would lose it. But telling him to stop felt wrong. Instead, he put his hands on Oliver’s shoulders. When the omega didn’t protest or show signs of discomfort, he ran them down his arms, reveling in the satiny smoothness of his skin. “You’re so beautiful, angel. The prettiest man I’ve ever seen.”
Oliver stopped moving and leaned back as he studied Adar, looking puzzled. Didn’t he believe Adar?
“I’m not lying to you. I’d never do that.”
Oliver blinked, and for a moment, his eyes grew clear.
“Ah, there you are. This must be terrifying for you, especially since you can’t talk. But I promise I’ll be good to you. You have nothing to fear.”