Page 34 of Dragon's Surprise
He’d never had to work so hard for an orgasm, and when it finally came, it felt like a victory. He’d blocked out everything else, and when he turned around, his hand full of his cum, he was startled. Zacharias lay on the bed with his fingers in his ass, fucking himself roughly, wincing while he did it. “What…?”
“This also needs to look like you used force. Give it to me.”
Zacharias’s naked form, as beautiful as it was, did nothing for Rhene. He was almost clinical as he dripped the fluids from his hand over Zacharias’s hole. The omega stuffed it in and spread the rest over his ass cheeks. “This will have to do.”
Zacharias nodded. “It’s enough. You leave now, and I’ll pretend I’m unconscious. The gods know that’s not the first time either.”
Rhene swiped the last bit of his fluids on the bed sheets and tucked himself back in. “When you arrive, I’ll introduce you to a wolf omega named Sivney. You two are gonna be best friends, I promise.”
“I’m counting on you, alpha. Don’t let me down.”
Chapter Thirteen
Erwan felt rested after a good night’s sleep, and he was in a good mood despite the whole situation. He was worried about his mom, but there was nothing he could do until they were able to communicate with home, so he tried to let go of that.
He’d shared breakfast with Fergal, getting to know the man better, and they got along well. It turned out Fergal had been raised somewhat in isolation, so they had that in common. His hadn’t been as complete as Erwan’s, but he had missed out on a lot as well.
All Erwan’s joy and hope evaporated when Rhene stomped into the tent, his face so tight with fury Erwan took a step back. Gregor, who’d been sitting nearby, pretending to read, jumped up in a defensive stance.
“Do you know about the red tent?” Rhene snapped at Fergal.
“The what?”
“The red tent.”
“I have no idea what you mean.”
“You were here before, Gregor said. Five years ago. Did you not see the red tent?”
“I wasn’t allowed to set foot outside of our tent other than to attend meetings. My father had grown suspicious of the others and didn’t trust them. He wanted to keep me safe.”
Some tension left Rhene as he dragged a shaky hand through his hair. “And no one in your clan has mentioned it? None of the omegas?”
Fergal shook his head. “They don’t trust me enough to talk to me yet. It’s been a slow process to get them to see I’m different from my father. But what is it?”
Rhene clenched his teeth. “It’s a brothel. Right here in the camp.”
A wave of dizziness came over Erwan. He’d heard that wrong, right? He had to have.
“What?” Fergal looked as stunned as Erwan felt.
“At the north end of the camp is a red tent where you can walk in and have sex with an omega. They even ask for your preferences. Needless to say, those omegas are not there voluntarily. Apparently, at each Dragon Council, another clan runs the red tent. This year, it’s the Murphys, but they were short on omegas, so the O’Connors were nice enough to supply some. The first omega they gave me was like a zombie, completely dead inside. The second one had a lot of fight left in him, and I was told I had the honor of breaking him in.”
Erwan’s stomach upturned, and he grabbed the first item next to him—a wastebasket—and threw up in it, emptying his stomach until nothing was left. Rhene rubbed his back. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have sprung this on you like that.”
Erwan wiped his mouth, accepted the wet wipe Gregor handed him with gratitude, and cleaned his hands and his mouth. Yuck, the aftertaste was awful.
“You okay?” Rhene asked.
Erwan leaned against him, resting his head on Rhene’s shoulder. “No, I’m not okay. None of this is okay. How can they do this? How can they treat their omegas like this?”
Rhene kissed his forehead. “I know, darling. I know.”
They stood like that until Erwan had calmed a little. He let go of his mate and looked at the others. Fergal was as pale as a sheet, and Gregor radiated the same fury Rhene had. “You’re telling me they’re running a brothel right here at the camp?” he said in a low, almost menacing tone.
“Yeah. And it’s common knowledge, apparently, because four other guys told me about it, informing me they’d be stopping by later. Including two of your clan.”
“The fuck they will,” Fergal snapped.