Page 51 of Dragon's Surprise
His first words hadn’t been a mistake, then. Holy crap, he was actually voting in favor! To say everyone was shocked was an understatement. Faces showed a mix of surprise, confusion, and, of course, pure fury on those of the Murphys, not to mention the rage in Cladhaire’s and Baoth’s expressions, which left Erwan cold.
“Thank you, King Ennis, for your vote. Could I ask you to elaborate on your reasons?” Gregor asked, voicing what everyone in the room wanted to know.
“Tynan will read a statement I have prepared. These are my words, not his,” the king said.
Tynan stood and unfolded a piece of paper from his pocket. “Over the last few years, my mind has been clouded, my body weak, and my heart heavy. Despite my visiting several doctors, no illness could ever be found. It’s only been in the last two weeks that I have seen a remarkable improvement in my physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. This change came after Tynan begged me to allow him to install new magical wards for my protection. He suspected dark magic at work, and?—”
Another loud gasp traveled through the room, and Tynan looked up from his paper, aiming his gaze straight at the other Murphys. “And he was right. As soon as Tynan powered up the new protective spells, I started to feel better.”
Gods, was the man publicly accusing his advisers of poisoning him by using dark magic? It sure as hell sounded like it. Rhene took Erwan’s hand, and their eyes met for a moment. His mate was as shocked as Erwan was and with reason. Talk about an unexpected development.
“With that new mental clarity also came an acute awakening of my conscience, which, I will admit freely, has been slumbering far longer than my health. For too long, I have closed my eyes to the injustice and brutality in my clan, allowing actions that have brought unbearable shame upon the Murphy clan and my name.”
“He’s clearly not well,” Alistair said. “We cannot allow him to continue. He doesn’t know what he’s saying.”
The commander sounded weak, like he knew the game was up.
“King Ennis has the floor,” Gregor said. “We will allow him the courtesy of speaking without being interrupted.”
Tynan continued, “I have been uneasy with the moral failures of the leaders in my clan, but I was too cowardly to speak up, too scared to lose my position, my life, and what little influence I had left. That regret will burden my soul until the day I die. It’s too late to turn back time and undo the violence that has been unleashed, the abuse and inhuman practices, the horrific treatment of our precious omegas. I cannot change the past. But I can change the future and ensure that regardless of my fate, my clan will never commit these atrocities ever again.”
Tynan looked up, this time at his king.
King Ennis looked determined as he took over. “The Code gives me the power to give up my clan. And that is what I’m doing. The Murphy clan no longer exists. As of today, all its members are free to join whichever clan they choose. I will put my fate in the hands of the White Dragon and beg for his mercy. This is my final decision, made of my own free will, and I will allow anyone who so wishes to scan me and confirm these words are true.”
If his previous words about his health and how he suspected dark magic at work had stunned everyone, this statement had the opposite effect. As soon as he had finished, the room exploded. The Murphys were yelling, screaming, shouting at each other and their king. The others were talking in animated voices, debating the legal validity of what King Ennis had done and what it meant for their clan.
Erwan sat quietly, his hand still in Rhene’s, and let it all sink in. Of all the potential outcomes of this meeting, this was one he’d never expected. Never had King Ennis given any indication he was on their side, that he even so much as disagreed with what his leaders were doing. But out of the blue, he had taken a stand. A courageous, honorable stand.
No, it didn’t negate him closing his eyes all those years, not wanting to see what was going on. He’d made it clear he wasn’t expecting forgiveness for that, yet he’d still made the unimaginable call to disband his clan. The Murphys had just ceased to exist after thousands of years.
“Can he do that?” King Donál asked no one in particular, and everyone quieted. “Is he correct that the Code gives him this power?”
“It does,” Fergal said.
Alistair scoffed. “No offense, but I’m not sure you’re qualified to answer this question.”
Fergal shrugged. “I’m not sure of everyone’s expertise, but if someone else has a law degree with a specialization in dragon law, let them speak up. If not, I’m it.”
“You have a law degree?” The incredulity in Kerry’s voice was heavy.
“I do, and from a rather prestigious university. Also, I’ve lived a secluded life with little entertainment until I became king, so out of a combination of necessity and interest, I’ve studied every book in my father’s library.”
“I can confirm the king’s credentials,” Gregor said.
“Are you saying he can? The Code gives him this power?” Oscar asked.
Fergal nodded. “Section 12F of the Code states that a king can disband his clan, and once he has, it cannot be reinstated under the same name or the same ruler. So I’m sorry, gentlemen,” he said to the Murphy leaders, who were all clustered together, their faces still showing fury. “Your clan no longer exists, and you’re out of a job. Good luck with finding a new clan. At this time, the Fitzgeralds are not interested in taking in any of the Murphy alphas. The omegas are more than welcome, though.”
“The O’Connors aren’t interested in the alphas either,” King Donál immediately said. “We need omegas, not more alphas.”
Shit, what did Erwan do now? Should he offer to take in the alphas? But he didn’t want them in his clan. Not only because he’d have to watch his back for eternity but also because it would affect everyone else. The omegas would never feel safe again. No, he couldn’t do that. As much as he believed in forgiveness and second chances, those had to be earned.
He looked at Rhene, who shook his head. Good, they were on the same page. “The True Doyles are open to all omegas from any clan. We will only take alphas in after a strict vetting process to determine whether they will be a risk to the safety of our omegas, which is and always will be our priority.”
“We’ll take them in,” Cladhaire said, no doubt seeing an opportunity.
“You can’t,” Fergal said. “Your clan no longer exists. We voted to declare King Erwan the legitimate ruler, so as of now, he commands the Doyle clan. And you two are… Well, I guess you’re as much out of luck as the Murphy alphas.”