Page 73 of Dragon's Surprise
Delton wanted to kiss him for that perfect answer. Well, he wanted to kiss him, period, but in this case, he was just so happy Adar had shown he understood what Oliver was communicating.
Oliver raised his chin and looked at Adar. “I can’t be your whole world, your whole life. You need something more than just me.”
Holy mother of everything, he was dishing out truths, wasn’t he? Delton suspected Oliver hadn’t said that out of concern for Adar’s lack of personal time but because he wanted Adar to consider Delton as a potential third partner. However, that didn’t diminish the truth of his statement. Adar’s obsession with Oliver had gotten a little unhealthy, even without taking Delton’s feelings into consideration.
Adar looked stunned, and Delton came to his rescue. “Getting back into impact play is a great first step. That’s something Oliver is not a part of, and it’s something you need to do for yourself. And Oliver’s suggestion of taking the time for your hobbies, like working out, is a good one.”
“So he’s not saying I shouldn’t shadow him anymore?”
The pain in Adar’s question was evident, but in this case, Delton couldn’t choose his side. “That’s something to ask Oliver, not me.”
Adar sighed. “I guess we do need you to help us talk to each other. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” In any other case, he would’ve added that it was his job, but he couldn’t. This wasn’t a job for him. It was so much more, everything so tangled up he didn’t know where to begin unraveling and making sense of it.
Adar turned toward Oliver. “You’re not saying you don’t want me around?”
Oliver shook his head firmly. “I like knowing you’re near, that you keep me safe. But I don’t like that you only spend time with me. You need time for yourself and friends. Friendship is important.”
Relief filled Adar’s expression. “Okay, that makes sense. And yeah, it is, but my friends understood that you took priority. They all have mates as well, so it’s not like they have a lot of time to hang out.”
“Delton doesn’t, so why don’t you do something with him?”
And that was how, a few minutes later, Delton found himself alone with Adar while Oliver had taken off, and they both looked at each other with identical befuddled expressions. “I’m sorry,” Delton said. “You don’t need to?—”
God, Oliver had orchestrated this, and he’d done it so cunningly that Delton wasn’t even sure what had happened.
“It’s fine. I mean, I like your company. And Oliver was right that I haven’t done anything but watch him since he arrived, so yeah.”
“I don’t want you to feel obligated.”
A slow smile spread across Adar’s face, and Delton’s stomach wobbled. “Do I seem like the kind of guy who’d do something against his will?”
No, he didn’t. Okay, then. “What do you want to do?”
And if Delton had sounded a little too eager, well, he could hardly be blamed, now could he?
Chapter Twenty-Six
Not watching Oliver was…strange. Adar had become so used to doing little else but guarding his mate and the other dragon omegas that it felt off to wander into the woods with Delton. Maybe Oliver had been right that Adar needed to do something else every once in a while because he was almost experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Funny how he hadn’t realized that until now.
“Do you have a favorite trail?” he asked Delton.
Adar had suggested going for a hike, knowing Delton loved it. Adar had seen him going for walks with his patients. Clients? Whatever Delton called the people he helped by listening. Damn, the man was so good at his job. One session with him and look at what they had already unearthed.
“I only know the shorter trails because I usually go for an hour max, so if you know any longer ones you love, I’m good with that.”
“There’s one that follows the brook for a while, and you can often spot wildlife there.”
“Sounds perfect.”
Delton and he didn’t speak as they walked, following the narrow path between the tall trees. Adar loved that Delton didn’t feel the need to fill every silence with words like some people did. The silence felt comfortable, like they both knew they’d needed this moment of peace and quiet.
Fall was arriving, but the leaves wouldn’t turn here like they did in colder climates. It was more a case of fifty shades of brown, with colors ranging from cinnamon and peanut to caramel or coffee-with-creamer. Adar didn’t mind. He loved the outdoors in any season, though he wasn’t a huge fan of snow. Not because the cold bothered him but because he had to wear more layers of clothing, which felt restrictive.
On this sunny day, the sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a dance of light and shadow. Squirrels scurried along branches and undergrowth, the rustling of leaves betraying the presence of more animals they couldn’t see. He inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with the fragrance of pine and cedar, mingling with the subtle waft of wildflowers and honey on a passing breeze. The distant calls of birds mixed with the chirping of crickets to create a lovely harmony, and as always, something inside him stilled.
Adar’s backside still smarted from the paddling two days prior, but that only steadied him. He liked that residual pain because it reminded him of the peace he’d found during the session, which was fucked up, but whatever. He’d long since stopped trying to figure out why he needed it so much. He did, and now that he had Delton to help him and Oliver was okay with it, he wouldn’t have to hide it anymore. Not from them, at least, which felt good.