Page 82 of Dragon's Surprise
Oliver felt better already. “Thank you. I think your presence would help me.”
He wasn’t lying. Even in the midst of his panic attack, he had somehow registered Adar as safe, and the alpha holding him had been what had helped Oliver calm down. Having him sit in would give him peace of mind. He slid off Adar’s lap, and the alpha let him go. Not that he hadn’t wanted to stay longer, but it must hurt Delton to witness it.
In fact, he had to get the focus off him. They’d spent enough time with his issues already. He cleared his throat. “When’s your next session with Delton?” he asked Adar.
The alpha frowned. “What session?”
“I think Oliver is talking about the impact play,” Delton said.
“Sorry, I thought you meant therapy sessions with Delton.” Adar laughed sheepishly.
“In a way, they are like therapy for you, no?” Oliver asked.
“I guess they are. Hadn’t looked at it like that. Anyway, we haven’t set anything up yet. The other session was only a few days ago, so I have four weeks before I need another one.”
Oh right. Oliver had forgotten about that. Hmm, that didn’t work. Adar would only see Delton one-on-one once a month, and that wouldn’t be enough for them to bond. “Maybe you don’t need it more often, but wouldn’t it be a good thing to do it, like, weekly? You said that if you waited too long, it made you stressed out, so why not stay on top of it?”
Adar’s forehead creased with a deep frown. “I guess? I’ve never done it that often, though.”
“But you like it. The impact play. It’s not something you do because you need it. You want it too.”
Adar looked away, but then he sought Delton’s eyes. What was going on? Oliver was missing something, but what? Adar’s cheeks had reddened. Was he embarrassed about something? But what?
“Would you like me to tell him?” Delton asked softly, and Adar nodded.
“Did I say something wrong?” Oliver asked.
“No, angel. Not at all. It’s just that… I’ll let Delton explain it. He’s much better with words than I am.”
Delton leaned forward, his voice so low no one else in the barn would be able to overhear him. “The sessions Adar did with his friend encompassed more than impact play. They had a sexual component as well.”
A sexual component. What did that mean? As much as Oliver loved how smart Delton was and how good he was with words, sometimes he wished Delton was a little more straightforward.
“He and his friend also had sex during those encounters,” Delton said, perhaps seeing Oliver’s confusion.
Sex. Okay, but what was so embarrassing about that?
Oh. Wait.
“You bottomed for him?” Oliver asked.
“Yes.” Adar’s reply was barely audible.
“And your friend is an alpha too?”
That explained Adar’s embarrassment. Two alphas having sex was not uncommon in this pack or the Hayes pack, but it sure as hell was considered an anomaly among most others, including dragons. “Were you worried I would judge you?”
“You’re not?”
“For most of my life, I lived in a place where consensual sex didn’t exist. I couldn’t care less about alphas having sex with each other, as long as they’re adults and they both want it.”
“Thank you.”
Pure relief flooded Adar’s expression, but Delton didn’t look quite as relaxed. Was there something Oliver wasn’t seeing? The pieces clicked. “Is sex an essential part of that experience?” Oliver asked.
“No.” Adar’s answer had come immediately, but Oliver wasn’t convinced, maybe because Delton wasn’t impressed either.