Page 109 of When He Dares
With a sigh, Havana turned to him, an awkward expression on her face. “Look, Isaiah,” she began carefully, “I know your mate can eat like a fucking dinosaur, but surely she doesn’t have enough room in her small body to fit that many patties in her.”
“Don’t underestimate her digestive system.” It was like nothing he’d ever before known. “I wouldn’t bet against her.” His cat felt quite sure she’d win.
“She doesn’t seem at all deterred by the size of the burger,” Tate noted.
No, she didn’t. Her posture was relaxed and confident, her smile easy and casual. Like she was just sitting down to dinner at a restaurant. And it wasn’t an act.
“Alex doesn’t seem put off either, though,” Deke observed, idly playing his fingers through his mate’s hair. “He also doesn’t look like he has any intention of losing.”
Alex was in fact the image of determined, cricking his neck, his gaze focused on the burger with lethal accuracy.
“Well, my guy’s very competitive, as you all know,” said Bree. “He’ll be furious at himself if he loses.” She looked at Isaiah. “You think he will, though, don’t you?”
“Yep,” said Isaiah. He’d allowed his mate to think he wasn’t so sure, but only to mess with her. “Wolverines are big eaters mostly because they’re greedy. Quinley’s not greedy—her metabolism is just freakishly fast. She can eat and eat and eat without ever really getting full. Biology will win over greed.” Alex would hit a “wall” at some point. She wouldn’t.
“My money’s on her,” Bailey piped up, leaning into Deke. “But I think Alex will be a close second.”
Bree winced. “He won’t take that well.”
“Just give him a blowjob afterward,” advised the mamba. “He’ll get over his snit quick enough. It works with Deke.”
The enforcer frowned down at her. “I don’t get in snits.”
“Of course you don’t.” Bailey gave an exaggerated wink.
With a slow shake of his head, Deke faced forward again. Which was right when Quinley looked their way, a pretty smile gracing her lips, and gave them a little wave.
Isaiah returned the smile, his cat nudging at him to head over to her, not liking the distance between them. The feline was starting to become a clingy little shit. But as Isaiah didn’t like being apart from her either, he really couldn’t judge.
“Luke would have loved to watch this.” Blair sighed, clearly wishing he was here. But he, Farrell, and Camden were absent—all back on the hunt for the Vercetti Pack.
Isaiah had expected to find at least one of the pack hanging around. Of course, it wasn’t easy to be sure that none were loitering about, because not every pack member’s picture had been circulated online. But none of the pride had noticed anyone or anything suspicious.
Bailey caught Blair’s eye. “You should take a video for Luke so he can watch it when he gets home.”
Her eyes lighting up, Blair whipped out her cell. “That’s a great idea.”
“I’m full of fabulous ideas,” claimed the mamba.
Aspen slid her a sideways, dubious look. “I wouldn’t call them ‘fabulous.’”
“That’s because you’re boring,” Bailey told her plainly. “I feel so sorry for Camden. No wonder he never smiles. You must make his life so dull. So. Very. Dull.”
Deke’s eyelids fell shut, a tired sigh easing out of him.
Aspen’s face firmed as she angled her body to face the mamba. “My mate is perfectly happy, thank you very much.”
Bailey’s brow dented. “Why are you thanking me?”
“I’m not—ugh, stop being a pain in my ass.”
“Learning new habits is hard,” stressed Bailey. “And boring. Like you.”
Her face reddening, Aspen made a move toward her.
Havana slammed up her hand. “Leave it.”
The bearcat’s brows drew together in frustration. “Oh come on, getting slapped around would do her some good.”