Page 113 of When He Dares
It could only be one of the Vercetti Pack, couldn’t it? Fuck, fuck, fuck. Terror snaked around her throat, its hold tight.
She wanted to go to Isaiah, but she didn’t trust that—unaware of the danger to Raya—he wouldn’t simply snatch the phone once he picked up on Quinley’s distress.
She swallowed. “You’re one of the Vercetti brothers?”
“We can get the introductions out of the way when we meet. And you’re going to want to meet with me if you want your sister and her mate to live.”
Her gut rolled. Raya and Lori? “How do I know you really have them? Maybe you just stole Raya’s phone or cloned it.” After all, it wouldn’t have been easy to capture two black-foots.
A choked female scream sounded in the background and made her cat flinch.
Oh, God.
“Still think I might be bluffing?” he taunted.
Maybe not, but she had to consider that… “All I heard was a scream. That could have been anyone.”
There was a rustle, and then her caller spoke to someone in the background: “Say hello to your sister.”
“Fuck you, asshole,” was hissed in response.
Quinley’s eyes fell shut. Her cat let out a low, drawn-out yowl of distress. That was definitely Raya.
“Good enough?” he asked.
Her pulse speeding up, Quinley opened her eyes. “Yes.”
“What do you say to a trade-off? You for them?” It wasn’t really a suggestion. It was a demand.
It also took her by surprise. Quinley had thought they’d ask for her and Isaiah in exchange. Then again… that wasn’t really the pack’s style, was it? They took women and children, not men. And never dominants.
“I won’t tell you that you’ll walk out of this alive,” her caller continued. “That would be a lie. Hale killed someone important to us. Now we’ll end the life of someone important to him… Or we’ll end that of these two bitches here.”
Right then, Isaiah rounded the corner of the living room and stalked into the kitchen, his brow furrowed. He’d sensed a flash of her anxiety, she thought.
Quinley slammed up a hand and shook her head, warning him with a wide-eyed gaze to do nothing. She put a finger to her lips, and he stealthily made his way forward.
“I only really meant to take your sister, but she was rarely without her mate so I simply took both,” her caller said. “Their stay with us hasn’t so far been very comfortable. They’re eager to go home. You want that for them, don’t you?”
“I do,” she said as Isaiah put his ear close to her cell, doing his best to overhear the other side of the conversation.
“Good. Then be outside the phone box near your local train station in an hour. Alone. If I see anyone else with you, both your sister and her mate are dead.”
Isaiah’s gaze shot to hers, blazing with anger.
Her stomach dropping, she took a shaky breath. “I’ll be there.” As an idea came to her, she added, “Although…”
“What?” her caller prodded.
“I guess I’m just confused about why you wouldn’t rather trade them for Tommaso.”
A long pause. “Your pride does not have Tommaso in their custody.” The statement held a hint of unsurety.
“My Alphas detained him the night he tried assassinating me,” she said, watching as a smile of sly approval pulled at Isaiah’s lips. “He’s been with us ever since.”
Another pensive pause. “Your mate would never have let Tommaso live if he’d tried killing you.”
“Isaiah would like to kill him, yes, but he’s set on first finding out the location of your pack. Tommaso is the only one who can give us that information. But he hasn’t been talkative so far.”