Page 116 of When He Dares
“Well, you’re all right in what you say. So if I wouldn’t make good bait, there’s no sense in me going. I’m not an enforcer. I don’t want to be in the way or take up a car seat that should be given to someone who’s trained for this type of situation.” Quinley zeroed in on Isaiah again. “I need you to promise me you’ll be careful.”
Relieved she’d agreed to hang back, Isaiah palmed her neck, giving her a pointed look. “I promise you.”
“Do we tell the Crimson Pride Alphas about the kidnapping?” asked Bailey. “I mean, as Raya and Lori’s Alphas, they have a right to know. Not that I care they have that right, just asking.”
“It would be fair to notify them,” Tate allowed, “but they wouldn’t work with us. Especially not Zaire. I honestly wouldn’t trust him not to cause problems just to push Isaiah’s buttons so they finally end up having that brawl he wants. We don’t need those kind of distractions. Raya and Lori don’t need them, more to the point.”
Everyone murmured their agreement, including Quinley.
Tate’s phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, peeked at the screen, and then quickly answered, “I was beginning to wonder if you three were still alive… Okay, no need to take that tone… I’m not home, I’m in the house next-door; Isaiah’s place… Right.” He lowered his cell. “That was Sergei.”
Isaiah had figured it was one of Alex’s uncles, since Tate had said “you three.”
“Have they found the pack?” asked Havana, her hands joined.
“I don’t know yet. He hung up before I could ask.” Tate pocketed his phone as he left the room. Moments later, the front door hinges squeaked and Tate again spoke, “I called and called. None of you answered your phone.”
“We were on hunt,” said Sergei, his voice indignant. “We do not use phone when hunting.”
The front door slammed shut. “You said you’d keep me updated regularly,” Tate griped.
“I did not.”
“Yes, you did.”
“Then I lied.”
Tate reappeared, grumbling something beneath his breath. The uncles came in behind them.
Dimitri immediately went to the fridge as he announced, “We found Vercetti Pack.”
“Where?” asked Isaiah, his cat going still.
“Burned-out compound near old textile factory,” said Isaak.
Camden cocked his head. “The one that used to house human anti-shifter extremists?”
“Yes.” Isaak planted fists on his hips. “It is derelict now.”
Camden’s mouth tightened. “I searched that area and found nothing.”
Dimitri pulled a pear from the fridge. “Of course you found nothing. You are not wolverine.”
Quinley leaned into Isaiah. “We have pears?”
Apparently so.
“The pack uses old mine tunnels beneath compound,” Sergei told them.
Aspen looked at Camden. “If they’re hiding underground, that’ll be why you didn’t realize they were in that area.”
Dimitri scowled. “No, it is because he is not wolverine.”
“Right,” Aspen drawled. “Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised if whatever humans own the building are aware that the pack’s using the mines.”
“It is probable,” Isaak decided. “I think extremists once used tunnels to traffic weapons. They have done it before in other locations.”
Sergei cricked his neck. “Scramblers were used outside to mask scents so no one would pick up trail to follow.”