Page 126 of When He Dares
“If either one of you runs back out that door the other takes a bullet to the heart,” Sebastian warned, the dark promise heavy in every syllable.
Neither male tried to run. They both pinned their gazes on Sebastian, their expressions hardening.
He smirked. “Hale, stay right where you are. Other Guy, shut the door. Then both of you put your hands up.”
The Olympus shifters moved stiffly as they followed his orders, every movement begrudging.
“Thanks.” Sebastian shot Other Guy in the chest.
The male reared back, hit the wall, and slid down to the floor as blood poured from the wound. Seconds later, he went limp.
Hale hissed, clearly eager to help his friend, but he remained still like he’d been told.
“How nice of you to drop by,” Sebastian quipped.
Looking at the motherfucker, it was hard not to pull the trigger. Images flashed in his mind. Hale diving at Samuele. Hands gripping his brother’s head. Those same hands wrenching hard, snapping Samuele’s neck.
“Where’s my mate?” Hale predictably demanded.
“Somewhere,” Sebastian fudged. He held up his cell phone. “See this? It’s a detonator for the explosives I’ve put around the house. Make a wrong move and I press it.”
Hale clenched his jaw tight.
“Now, we’re going to go into the living area. It’s cozier that way.” With every step Sebastian took back, Hale took one forward until they were fully in the room.
The pallas cat’s gaze darted around, taking in everything—Davide, Wattie, the weapons, the explosives.
“You know, I wasn’t sure you’d really leave her alone here,” said Sebastian. “A smarter man would have realized it was a trap. Did you really think I’d actually rely on a submissive to put herself in danger?”
A muscle in Hale’s jaw ticked. “I thought maybe you believed she’d rush to the aid of her family regardless.”
Idiot. “You thought wrong, as you can see.” Sebastian tightened his grip on his weapon. “Where’s Tommaso?”
“The place we put all our captives,” Hale vaguely replied.
“Which is where?”
“Put down your weapons and I’ll tell you.”
Sebastian felt his mouth curve into a mocking smile. “No, I don’t think so.” Knowing there was only one way to make the asshole talk, he called out, “Kitty cat, you need to come out now. I swear to God I will put a bullet in your mate’s brain if you don’t.”
Moments later, she appeared from… Sebastian didn’t even know where. She just materialized a few feet away like magic. It was downright eerie, but he’d never admit it aloud.
Noticing Hale’s muscles bunch as if he might make a grab for her, Sebastian flicked up a brow. “Careful. There are bombs planted all over, remember? One push of this button on my cell and boom.”
“You’d be killing yourselves,” said Hale, clearly doubting his word. He shouldn’t.
“You think any of us are afraid to die? We’ve been tempting Death for a long time—he hasn’t come for us yet.” Sebastian took sideways steps over to the armchair on which his pack mate sat. “Wattie, take the phone.”
Obediently, Wattie carefully took it and hovered his thumb threateningly over the screen.
“Davide, keep your gun aimed at the son of a bitch. He moves, shoot him.” Sebastian bent over and roughly grabbed the cat by the scruff of her neck. He immediately jammed the barrel of his gun against the side of her head. She didn’t even have the downright decency to hiss in pain.
Hale tensed, his fists clenching as he visibly wrestled with the urge to rush to her rescue… just as Sebastian had once wrestled with the urge to retrieve his baby brother’s body before driving off. God knew what the pride had done with it.
“Where’s Tommaso?” he asked Hale. “Either you tell me where he is, or I shoot her.”
Hale’s nostrils flared in outrage, every muscle in his body rigid. “You shoot her, you’ll never know his location. I’ll be on you before you can fucking blink.”