Page 80 of When He Dares
“How often do you get migraines?” asked Quinley.
“Once a month, usually.”
“Whenever it happens, have your mother call me. I’ll come straight away.”
Marnie beamed. “Thank you. Thank you so much.”
“Not a problem.” Quinley reeled off her number to Virginia, who saved it in her list of phone contacts, and then returned to Isaiah. “Ready?”
“Ready,” he confirmed.
Following them to the front door, Virginia studied him. “Why are you looking so smug?”
Quinley stilled. “Don’t ask.”
Well, the woman already had, so… “Thanks to Quinley, my back looks like a grizzly went at it.”
A pretty blush stained his mate’s face. “Isaiah! Don’t be an ass!”
“But it’s okay,” he continued, still speaking to Virginia, who was stifling a smile. “It makes us even, because her body looks like she had a run-in with a nest of vampires.”
Quinley gawked at him. “For God’s sake, will you stop talking!” She stalked off.
He exchanged an amused look with Virginia and then trailed after his mate, following her to the elevator.
Her mouth tight, she cast him an indignant glance. “I can’t believe you just did that. Actually, no, I can believe it. But it was totally unnecessary.” She jabbed the button to call the elevator. Jabbed it a little too hard.
Amusement trickled through his cat. Like Isaiah, he wanted all to know about the brands. The feline was smug as a motherfucker right now, more content than he’d been in a while.
Isaiah took a lazy step toward Quinley, earning himself a narrow-eyed look. Deciding not to tell her she looked seriously fucking cute right then—he figured it wouldn’t go down well—he gave an innocent shrug and instead said, “I was just answering her questions. It’s rude to ignore people, you know.”
“Be rude. Be. Rude. Especially when it comes to my sisters.” She again jabbed the “down” button on the wall panel. “Do not say anything to them that’s even remotely similar to what you just said to Virginia.”
Humming, he let his face mold into a troubled expression. “It doesn’t seem right to lie to them, baby. I mean, they’re family. You don’t bullshit family. It’s wrong.”
Oh, her cheeks were now on fire. “That’s it,” she fumed. “That is it.”
“What’s it?”
“I’m not biting or clawing you ever again.”
He chuckled under his breath and advanced on her, swallowing up her personal space; watching her pupils dilate. “Oh, you will, Quin. You won’t be able to help it. Just like I can’t help but brand you.”
She spluttered. “Yeah, well.”
“Yeah, well, what?”
“I don’t know. That’s all I’ve got right now.”
Smiling, he planted a hard kiss on her mouth. “Good comeback,” he deadpanned.
He wasn’t in the least bit surprised when she splayed her palm over his face and shoved him back a step. In fact, he probably deserved it.
“At least let me carry a few.”
Isaiah slid her a frown and kept walking. “I’ve got it.”