Page 9 of When He Dares
Something in his expression made her sense… “You want something from me.”
Again, his lips quirked. “Sharp,” he praised. “What I want is for Zaire to sign the mating agreement. His father and I have been planning a union between him and Nazra for years. It was always going to happen.”
“You’re telling me to back off?”
“It would be in your best interests. Rumors are spreading fast, aren’t they?”
Yes, thanks to Nazra’s fucking bestie, Fila, who’d overheard Quinley’s talk with Zaire. It was humiliating enough that everyone now knew that he’d rejected her. Worse, they’d been told a very twisted version of events: that Quinley had tried to kiss him, gone to bite him, even began to strip for him.
Though both he and Quinley had very firmly stated it hadn’t happened that way, not everyone believed them. Each time she insisted she wasn’t lying, it was taken as evidence that she was in fact a liar.
“Nazra, well, she’ll delight in making life hard for you and your family,” Harlan added. “I’m literally the only person who has any sway over her.”
And then Quinley understood. “You’re saying you’ll keep her away from me and my family if I stay away from Zaire?”
A nod. “Yes. I’ll even make it clear to your peers that no one is to terrorize you on her behalf. But only if you agree to spread far and wide that, yes, it was just your hormones talking. So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?”
Quinley cocked her head, confused. “You could just order me to stay away from him.”
“But you wouldn’t, would you? You may be a submissive, but you’re not passive, nor are you a quitter. It’s admirable, but it won’t help you here. So, deal or no deal?” he pushed.
She wanted to say, “No deal.” She wanted to tell him to stuff his offer up his ass. Wanted to tell him he was a shitty Alpha.
But then she thought of her sisters, of how hard it had been for them since their parents died, about how Adaline was pregnant and didn’t need any stress right now, about how Raya would no doubt recklessly challenge Nazra to protect Quinley.
The whole situation had the makings of a clusterfuck. Whether Quinley liked it or not, this was really the only way to avoid it. So, for the sake of her family, she gritted out, “Deal.”
She’d never forgiven the motherfucker for pulling that stunt. She understood why he wouldn’t have put her feelings first—they’d needed alliances back then, what with a few larger prides coveting their territory. Zaire’s father had been friends with Harlan, true, but he wouldn’t have placed his own pride at risk for mere friendship. Rodrick would definitely have helped protect a pride that his son would one day lead, however.
So yes, Quinley understood the larger picture. But that Harlan had not been in the slightest bit sympathetic, that he’d offered her no comfort, that his only concern had been ensuring she didn’t interfere with his plans… no, she’d never forgiven him for that.
Nor had her cat. Even now it hissed at the memories, glaring at Harlan, having no respect at all for this male who’d failed her as an Alpha.
“You kept your word,” said Harlan. “You never approached Zaire, never spoke to him, never even so much as glanced his way. In fact, you made a concentrated effort to avoid him as best you could. He didn’t always make that easy for you.”
No. No, he hadn’t. There’d been times when Zaire just happened to be strolling around the area of pride territory where she lived. Times he’d uncharacteristically showed up at pride events for the unranked. Times he’d even unnecessarily been something of a shit to a male she happened to be dating.
“I think he was curious about you,” said Harlan. “An eighteen-year-old boy’s priority generally isn’t finding their mate. But as the years tick on, it can become an itch under their skin. Even though he’d signed papers and was committed to one day claiming Nazra, he wanted to know for knowing’s sake if just maybe he had found his mate. You saw that, didn’t you?”
Quinley swallowed. “Yes.” As had her cat, who’d been irate that he’d had the downright gall to go anywhere near her.
“It must have been hard for you to ignore it, but you did.”
It hadn’t really been about sticking to her word; it had been about protecting her family. Plus, she’d felt no desire to satisfy Zaire’s curiosity when he had no intention of claiming her. He could go live with the mystery, the dick.
“I make difficult decisions all the time—some involve sacrificing a member’s happiness for the greater good of the pride. Every Alpha does. It’s my job to keep the pride strong and, by extension, safe. As such, I don’t regret pairing Zaire with Nazra. But, Quinley, I would rather not reward your sacrifice by backing you in entering a mating with a complete stranger.” Harlan paused. “I’d arrange one with a black-foot from another pride, but…”
But she was unranked, so no one would be interested. Being a healer didn’t give her status among the ranked. “I don’t need you to do anything like that. I just want you to come with me to this meeting and, if all goes well, consent to having the appropriate papers drawn up. It’s not like I’ll be trapped in the mating. If there’s no imprint bond within the first year, I get to leave.” That was how it generally worked.
“I don’t like that you quite clearly feel the need to leave. This is your home, your territory, your community. You should haven’t a wish to—”
“He’s from the Olympus Pride.”
Harlan stilled, his gaze sharpening. “I see.”
Astor chuckled. “You really should have led with that, Quinley.”
Because the Alpha was so very obsessed with collecting alliances with powerful shifter groups, she knew. But… “He won’t gain an alliance out of this, if that’s what you’re thinking.”