Page 1 of Dak
Chapter One
Boston, Mass.
The quiet of the night was broken by the roar of a lone motorcycle traveling down the street toward the Sinner’s MC compound. When it stopped at the gates, a single man came out of the darkness and stood on the other side of the gate. The two men stared at each other for a moment then the gate slowly opened and the biker drove his ride inside.
Parking the bike, Dak shut off his engine and stared at the clubhouse. He knew his news wouldn’t be welcome but he also knew the men behind these walls needed to be warned about what went down in Troy last night.
When Hawk called him last month, wanting him to follow some guy to Troy, he sure as hell did not think all of what happened would happen. It all had been pretty surreal for sure.
He got off the bike and stretched to his full height of six foot four and at 270 pounds. Yeah, he was a big guy. His long dark hair hung down to his shoulders and he always had it pulled back into a ponytail.
He then went inside. The main room was quiet with only dim lighting. However, he knew all that would change in a few minutes. The man at the gate would have texted Hawk and the others.
Walking over to the bar, he grabbed a beer. Then he went to a table and sat down. He lifted the bottle to his lips and took a sip as he heard doors open and footsteps coming down the hall.
The first person through the doorway from the hall was Hawk, himself. He paused long enough to snap on the main lights.
Dak narrowed his eyes at the sudden brightness.
Most of Hawk’s main crew joined them now.
Hawk sat down at the same table and just stared at Dak for a moment. Finally, he asked, “Is it over? Is Bear finally dead and no longer a threat?”
Dak nodded. “He’s gone, once and for all. Tory’s group finally took him down along with three of his friends.” He then shrugged his shoulders. “And here I didn’t think a man like him had any friends.”
Micah, Bear’s brother, was also there as he snorted. “He wouldn’t need any friends per say but he would need men he could order around. If he had friends, they weren’t loyal or admiring.”
Hawk narrowed his eyes and stared at Dak. “You said they took out both Bear and three of his friends. So that ended it, right?”
Dak shook his head. “They took down three of his friends. The thing is I had been trailing the man you put me on and he, along with three others met with Bear several times. And he wasn’t there when Bear died, him or the men he traveled with.” Dak took a sip of his beer and stared at Hawk. “Leon was there too. He thinks this is over now along with Deke Tory and his MC.”
“But...” Hawk shifted in his chair. “You don’t think so?”
Dak shook his head. “No, I don't think it's over quite yet and I’ll tell you why. Those four men disappeared, they didn’t step up to keep the fight going. The same man I was following, headed this way and I have to ask myself why would he come to Boston?” He glanced over at Micah. “I think Bear’s full mission was to put the Sin’s in the ground and then he was gonna finally come here to end you.” He shook his head. “Of course, he never anticipated being on the losing end in Troy and I don't think he ever expected Leon Vincinti to show up and take their side, but that’s what happened.”
Hawk shook his head. “Leon’s link to that group was his granddaughter Peaches. She belongs to Iceman and Leon is quite fond of her so when she went missing, he went to Troy to help bring her home. Did you see any other men? Like did the man you were following meet with anyone else besides Bear?”
Dak shook his head. “You mean there could be more than just the four?”
Micah nodded. “Yeah, there could be more. Bear was never one that played by the rules or played a fair game when he could cheat to win.”
“A woman named Cassie finally brought the bastard down,” Dak said. “The guys there in town were all talking about it.”
Hawk shook his head. “Cassie, huh? Well, that makes sense. Cassie’s always had that girl’s back and I guess she still does.” He paused to think about the event and asked, “Do you know anything about the four men that disappeared during the takedown?”
Dak drained his beer then wiped his mouth and nodded. “Yeah, I overheard them talking. Bear has been a busy man since he died. Apparently, he dragged himself off somewhere and found a woman and he had a couple of kids with her. The people of Troy got one of his sons but there’s another boy out there somewhere. I don’t know the rest of them.” Dak shrugged. “Oh and I don’t think they liked the fact that Leon was even there. Apparently, they know about him and they vowed to knock him down a peg or two as well.”
“Damn.” Hawk scoffed. “Like they could even get near the man. Stupid asses. But we’d better give him a head’s up in any case.” He looked around and said, “Meanwhile, we better start looking for these guys. Stay close but stay aware. Go out in pairs of two or more so someone has your backs in case they decide to pick us off one at a time.”
Dak got to his feet and said, “I need a few hours of sleep.”
“Yeah brother, get some sleep.” Hawk nodded. “I’ll wait until after breakfast to let Leon know about Bear’s guy being here.”
Dak went to his room and undressed. When he laid down, he felt the comfort of a soft mattress under him. He groaned as he turned on his side and closed his eyes. Then he revisited the scene the night before when the shadows hid him from the rest of the world. He was up a tree and below him two of Bear’s men were watching and waiting in the same shadows that hid him.
He ducked back into the darkness and listened for a moment.
“What the hell is going on here?” one of them asked. “I thought Bear said we would get the Sin’s and take over? Now this whole thing has gone to shit. We need to move this to Boston. At least there, we have the element of surprise.”