Page 8 of Dak
“Sergi, I am calling as I have found we may have a common threat against us.”
“Is that so? Does it have to do with an old biker gang and a new one, forming one organization?”
Leon felt surprised as he answered, “Da, in fact it does.”
“I wondered at this connection,” Sergi stated.
“What connection?” Leon asked.
“It came to my attention two days ago. Before I flew out to Texas in fact. A biker gang we took out in Hell's Kitchen not too long ago. It has been rumored there will be an MC joining them soon.”
Suddenly, an alarm sounded.
“Someone breached the fence,” Echo announced.
Then the room rocked and a loud boom went off.
One of Leon’s men dove for him and covered his body with theirs.
Shouts could be heard from all around as a second boom went off. Part of the roof came down and there was debris and wood all over. Smoke drifted above them all as some were trapped under tables.
“What the fuck?” Sam could be heard yelling. “Junior? You okay?”
“Yes, Dad!”
“Leon?” Iceman called out. “Where are you?”
“Papa?” Calderone shouted.
“I-I’m here...” Leon squeaked out as his large guard laid on top of him. From above, a shadow loomed and the man on him was raised up off of him.
“Rafael?” Calderone called the guard’s name.
Leon sat up and gazed around. The room was decimated. Looking over, he saw they were checking Rafael over. “He is all right?” Leon asked.
“He had a beam fall on his head,” Prosper said. “He might have a concussion.”
“What the hell happened?” Sam stood there.
“I believe it was a rocket launcher,” Deke said. “Two missiles.”
“Echo?” Hawk yelled at his IT guy. “What do you see?”
“No one now, but he is right they had a launcher.”
“Fucking hell!” Pony shouted.
“Find out who’s hurt,” Hawk instructed. “I’m sure the cops and ambulances will be here soon.”
“Little Austa?” Deke called out. “Are you there?”
“She is okay,” Dak answered as he stood in the far corner, his arm wrapped around her.
“So they did it,” Austa said. “They really did it!”
The men all looked over at her.
She slowly shook her head. “It didn't make sense before. I heard them talking about something they called fireworks. Like they said, give ‘em the fireworks. I didn’t know this was what they meant. I’m sorry.”