Page 2 of Sweet Revenge
“It’s a good thing we have the same mentality when it comes to getting an early start. It looks like you have everything well in hand. You won’t be able to consult me after breakfast,” I hinted that he was a growing boy in need of an adrenalin boost of carbohydrates and freshly squeezed orange juice.
“I’m not the kind of guy that procrastinates when I know I have something to complete. It’s a beautiful day. It’s the perfect weather to get some things done. We want to finish the roof quickly with the weather changing dramatically from day to day. It’s supposed to be unseasonably warm for the next three days, which should give me plenty of time to finish this project before moving on to another,” he yelled from the top of the roof where I could hear his footsteps above me.
My head was out the window staring up at him from behind with my mouth dry and parched. I wanted to join him on the roof, but my fear of heights kept me from doing something extremely foolish.
“You still have stitches in the back of your head. They allowed me to see you and the only thing you could talk about was getting the roof done in time. I was astonished that you were on the phone calling the supplier to have these supplies ready for you in the morning,” I said with my voice carrying on the wind and the upper half of my body hanging precariously out the window two floors above the ground.
The first part of the plan had gone extremely well, but I had almost overstepped my bounds by letting him get too close to the fire. The taste of him was still on my lips, and I was reluctant to go use mouthwash when I could think of far better things to put into my mouth.
“I want to apologize for what happened last night. It wasn’t your fault. There’s no reason why you would have to apologize for changing your mind. I wasn’t watching where I was going in the dark. It was unavoidable. I was glad I was able to move my body in such a way to prevent serious injury,” he referred to the way that he had learned to tumble while playing football.
It came in handy to keep him from breaking anything important.
“We went a little too far, and nobody can fault us for that. It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have breakfast with us. Finish what you are doing and join us in the kitchen for coffee and fresh-made muffins right from the oven. We will see about putting some meat on your bones with a hearty breakfast,” I announced before ducking back in and going through my daily morning ritual of brushing my teeth and taking a hot shower, but this time, I stayed under the water a little longer than expected.
Thinking about him and the feel of his appendage tickling my tonsils was making my legs quiver with anticipation for more. The line in the sand had been drawn, and I was daring him to cross it at the risk of feeling my hand slapping him across the face.
It was amazing how I could tease him mercilessly with the possibility of him coming back begging for more. Cutting him off at the knees was my way of taking control of his manhood.
He needed to understand this was my house and we were going to live by my rules. It also made me smile to think that this would give me some kind of closure to a past that defined me and made me shy away from the opposite sex.
This was my independence, and I was going to make sure that he heard me roar. Nobody was going to take advantage of me ever again. Lessons had to be learned in life to know what not to do the next time. It was a bad pattern, and losing him made me feel ugly inside.
It was probably what gave Bryan the opening to seduce me over a few drinks.
Bryan was a mistake that I wasn’t going to make again with somebody else. I had cornered the market on attracting the bad boy persona. They have that certain something that grabbed my attention. I didn’t go out looking for it, but it always seemed to find me.
I was easily manipulated by a charming smile and the dulcet tone of their voice.
Did I have a sign on my chest saying that I was an easy mark? It stood to reason things were going to have to change in order for me to get my life back. The whole thing started with a break from reality in a picturesque town in Maine. It was as far away from the Big Apple as I could get.
This was going to be my summer place, but now I was beginning to debate if I could parlay this move into a permanent one.
I had everything I needed to go mobile without a need to be in the office. Mental health was just as important as physical health.
I could breathe a little easier without the stress of people coming into my office to get my unbiased opinion on something. It was different when they sent me emails and I could answer them at a leisurely pace whenever I got around to it. There was no urgency unless the email was marked important enough for me to take a few minutes out of my day to answer it.
Some people skipped breakfast, but it was the most important meal of the day. It would also give me time to be close to him without breaking my golden rule. One week didn’t sound like a huge hardship. That was the timeline I had put on keeping things platonic. After that, I was determined to make him want me more than he did breathing. It was all very manipulative, which was something that I didn’t prescribe to. However, this was giving me a new lease on life