Page 7 of Looks That Kill
Chapter 4
The rest of the day was spent going over the details of the plans that had been devised by Constance. She had a fashion-forward eye for detail. Some caught up in the trends, but she knew exactly what she wanted without compromising.
The house was empty, and my mind wandered until I was snooping. It didn’t make me feel very good about doing it, but I wanted to learn more about her. There were times she was hot and bothered and others where she was cold as ice. The mood swings were hard to navigate when I didn’t know the cause of them.
Her office was locked from the outside with a key. It would’ve taken too long to break down the door with my equipment without disturbing the lock. A drill would easily remove the hinges until I was able to gain access to her inner sanctum. It was the one thing I couldn’t do in the face of everything that she had been through.
Walking up the stairs to her bedroom made me anxious. My whole body was a string of raw nerves on high alert. It was a waste of energy to pursue her. It wasn’t like me to over complicate things with an emotional entanglement. There were times I couldn’t control my mind from bringing to life visions of her in various stages of undress.
The only thing I could do was breathe in the scent of her perfume when I stood at the threshold to where the magic happened. It wasn’t hard to recognize that I was interested in more than her body. Saying it and thinking it was two different things.
The sheets were thrown aside with pieces of clothing strewn about the room. She had gone out wearing something scandalous. The black leather skirt barely covered where my mouth had firmly attached itself a few hours ago. The open-backed white shirt gave me ideas that couldn’t be considered pure of heart.
A big part of me wanted to scream for her not to go. It was her right to paint the town red with her best friend Bethany in tow. It was the longest few minutes of my life standing there at the door watching the headlights of the taxi recede into the distance. She had let slip where they were going to be having a few drinks. It was information I might find useful after rummaging through her things.
Every second counted and I wasn’t going to get a second try. There was no telling when she might return unexpectedly.
The big bed was centered in the middle of the room with a huge walk-in closet across the room. It looked like a cyclone had gone through it. It would’ve been wrong to tidy up no matter how much I wanted to make sense of the chaos. She would’ve been upset and there was no reason to incur her wrath.
Picking up a pair of white panties had me inhaling the fragrance of her sexual aroma. They were dainty and silky to the touch. Smelling it would’ve been going too far but my infatuation had raised its ugly head in a most unexpected way. Touching the crotch to my nose had my entire body trembling with a certain part of my anatomy unfurling in my pants.
It took very little to encourage the staff of my excitement to rise to its full potential. She didn’t belong to anyone and to treat her like a possession would only scare her off.
It was wrong to invade her private space. The decadent act of touching her most private of things gave me a jolt of adrenaline that I couldn’t even begin to explain.
I sat down on her bed with those panties in my hands staring at them. It would’ve been easy to disrobe and wrap them around my hard and demanding shaft.
The truth was written in her eyes. Something was preventing her from taking a leap of faith. It stood to reason the answer would be found somewhere within the chaos.
A deep breath convinced me not to take things any further than they already were. It would’ve felt nice to unload the contents of my bubbling balls inside the crotch. That would’ve been extremely satisfying. There was this distant voice in the back of my head trying to convince me to do the wrong thing. Changing the station wasn’t easy when everything I wanted was within my fingertips.
I lay down on her bed in her spot with my hands in my lap still holding onto those panties. I could feel the heat of them touching my fingertips. Reaching out and opening her nightstand was probably making me a part of the endangered species list. It was gratifying to find a few things that she had used to bring a smile to her face.
The long silver cylinder device was quite strong when I turned the base to the highest setting. It buzzed and vibrated with some intensity in the palm of my hand. She had used this to make her scream into her pillow at night. The teeth marks in the pillowcase were a good indication this was truth and not fiction.
Oral sex was my weakness giving and receiving. There was no better feeling in the world. Having her lips wrapped around me was something I wanted to do again. Going down on her in the kitchen and seeing the look in her eyes combined with the way that her body convulsed was almost too much for me to take. Each and every time, she was the one to put a stop to what could have been something special, never to be duplicated.
I was biting my lip when I released my cock from the confines of my pants. The door was open making it that much more delicious to do something wrong under her nose.
In this age of technology, it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility there was a camera nearby capturing my crime. It was a good thing I was adept at installing Security Systems. It was easy to recognize where cameras would have been situated. It took very little investigation to confirm my suspicions there was nothing to worry about before embarking on this interesting journey into the unknown.
I was naked from the waist down with my pants and underwear around my ankles constricting my movements. My cock twitched in response to the feel of the vibration that she had experienced several times. That force was concentrated on the vein down the back throbbing with a desperate need for relief.
Inspiration took on the form of wrapping those panties around my flesh while using the vibration of her not so little toy at the same time. There were slight jerks of appreciation from my hips coming off the bed with every muscle straining in my calves. The guilt was more than enough to finish what I started by pressing with a lot more determination against those balls threatening to erupt at any moment.
I was well on my way to feasting on that feeling of complete surrender when my phone interrupted me. It would be easy to ignore it but something told me it was important enough to take me away from a blissful moment of solitude. It did make me curse under my breath while fumbling into my pocket with my pants still around my ankles.
I was about to say something, but I stopped short when I heard what was being said on the other side. It jolted me back to reality with a cold hard slap across my face. She sounded scared and somehow her phone had butt-dialed me.
“I know what you want and you are going to get it. I want you to fight me. It’s no fun when you make it easy. Show me that fire and I will put it out.” This man’s voice showed no kindness, and I could tell that she was in over her head.
“I thought… I thought we were just going to talk. This isn’t what I want. Leave before I scream and call for security," she said in barely a whisper.
“My friends don’t know me. They think I’m this innocent lamb being led to the slaughter but I’m not. Do you think that you are the only one that has threatened to scream? It gives me a thrill beyond words when you resist. Let’s take these off. You won’t need them tonight," he directed with the sound of fabric ripping to make my heart stop for one moment with my fist clenching.
“Please… I don’t want this. Let me leave before it’s too late for both of us," she urged but found him unwilling to comply with a growl of defiance.