Page 10 of Falling into a Second Chance
Chapter Seven
The house was packed,and yet still more people continued to arrive. When Sera had walked her through the house months before, Agatha had thought that it was roomy and spacious. Not anymore. Now it was crowded and loud. It didn’t help that Harrison and Jonas were fighting with each other over something. She didn’t even care what it was about; they were just loud.
“If you’re just going to argue, go out on the deck,” Harper told the pair from the kitchen in frustration. And she wasn’t even married to one of them.
Sera, with a baby in her arms, pushed her husband outside. “So you don’t wake the babies.” Lucy and Leo had twin boys who were a couple months old, and if Sera was in a room with them, she was carrying one. Agatha didn’t know what was going to happen when she had her own baby in a month.
“I’ll join them,” Kaine said after kissing his wife on the cheek as he walked by. Harper even stopped for a moment and let him do it. Then she turned her attention back to cutting buns, busy as ever.
“How are Louisa and Frankie?” Lucy asked Buzz as she mixed a dip.
Louisa and Frankie were not only Buzz’s husband, Jonas’s, half-sisters, but also half-sisters to the Lovely sisters. Buzz had found that out when she had accidentally-on-purpose worked a week for the woman who had given them life. In that time, she had fallen for Jonas and met and befriended the sisters. Though so far, they were only in contact with Buzz and Jonas.
“Good, in Chicago still. We had hoped that Louisa would start school here, but Frankie got a job there, so they’re staying put. I like that they’re together, but I wish they were here. Jonas found them a great apartment, so they at least have that. I wish I had that apartment when I was single,” Buzz said from the couch as she tried to adjust the sleeping baby in her arms around her own protruding stomach. She had over a month left on her pregnancy, but Buzz Raiden was done with it. So far, she had not taken to pregnancy, and it seemed holding babies was now defeating her as well.
She set Luke down on the couch between herself and Agatha, not wanting to give him over to anyone but unable to hold him.
“Tell them hi next time, Buzz,” Sera said, sitting down with Owen still in her arms, her belly not getting in her way. Fifteen years ago, she had chosen to raise five girls that she didn’t have to, and now she was willing to take on more by trying to take Louisa and Frankie under her wing. Though the women, both over twenty, weren’t looking for a new mom, Sera still tried.
Agatha looked at the bald baby beside her. He looked just like his twin brother. They were a few months old, and their mother was already tossing them aside to make some fancy meal for Violet’s birthday. Not that her sister didn’t love the babies, but cooking was her first love.
“Sit down, Lucy, you just had babies. What can I do?” Agatha pushed herself away from the couch and away from the babies.
“No, Ag. It is mostly ready,” Harper answered for her sister and business partner. For a couple of months now, she had been trying to let Lucy do more, but talking didn’t seem to be one of those things today.
Ignoring her oldest sister, Agatha grabbed Lucy’s hand and pulled her from the kitchen. “Stop, Lucy. Sit down.”
Sighing, Lucy let Agatha pull her away from her favorite room. Sitting on the couch where Agatha had been, Lucy touched her son’s head and then picked him up and hugged him to her.
Smiling at the scene, Agatha pushed from her mind how close Lucy had come to putting the boys up for adoption. At the time, she thought that she couldn’t be a good mom and would put them in danger. It had taken the entire family and her now-husband to talk her down from that ledge. Agatha couldn’t see her as anything but a mommy now.
Lucy looked up from her baby and said, “So Sera, only a month to go.”
“I had forgotten how bad the last month was,” Sera replied, but she didn’t sound like it was bad. Sera was always upbeat. “I can’t believe it’s a boy this time!”
“We’re waiting to find out,” Buzz said, looking up. The redhead was also due in a little over a month, and Agatha hoped that she would have a redhead. Even though she had gotten C’s in science, she knew that thanks to her dark-haired husband, that might not happen.
“So, Harper, when are you and Kaine going to start trying to have kids?” Sera asked.
“They haven’t been married that long, Sera,” Buzz answered for her even though the couple had been married for months longer than Buzz herself.
“Why do pregnant people always want more people to get pregnant?” Agatha asked. Her eyes strayed to the kitchen where Harper was busily ignoring the conversation. Lately when asked, Harper didn’t have the snarky comments about babies she usually did.
“Because we love to share the misery,” Buzz answered with a laugh.
“It’s 6 p.m. I better get the meal going so Violet won’t say I wrecked her birthday,” Harper said from the kitchen.
Buzz shimmied off the couch. “I'll help.” Buzz shared Agatha’s shortness, which made pregnancy miserable for her baby sister.
“Me too.” Lucy jumped up and handed the baby she was holding to Agatha.
With the baby now in her arms, Agatha sat down where Buzz had been and pulled her legs under her and looked at the baby. He was so different than how Violet and Emma had been. They had hair when they were born.
Sera changed seats to sit next to her, which made Agatha smile. “It’s different than the girls, right?”
“Different, so much could’ve been different.” Sera’s voice was shaky.
Agatha turned to her and saw tears in her eyes. Quietly she hissed, “Don’t.”