Page 45 of Twilight Sins
“Not yet.” She lays a hand on my arm and smiles. “Which is why we’re going to play a game. Ever heard of Truth or Truth?”
“The game is called Truth or Dare,” Yakov says with a condescending scowl.
“Nope. It’s called Truth or Truth. No dares, just answers.”
What he doesn’t know is that I just made it up. If Yakov won’t tell me anything the old-fashioned way—you know, via normal human conversation—then maybe I can coax a few things out of him with coercion. Fight fire with fire.
Or something along those lines.
He runs a hand along his jawline and leans back in his chair. “If this doesn’t end with your clothes on the floor, I’m not interested.”
I suck in a breath. He wants to see me naked. Maybe this is a real date.
I bury that thought deep, deep down inside. It doesn’t matter. I may believe Yakov is telling the truth about me being in danger, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to hop back into bed with him. He lied to me the night we met. Several times! I’ve been lied to enough in my life. I’m not going to let myself be fooled again.
“Fine. Then you’ll never know anything more about me.”
“Is that right?” Amusement dances in his eyes.
“You don’t believe me?”
He has to work to keep his mouth from tilting into a smile. “No. No, I don’t.”
I shrug. “I’ve picked up a lot of tips from you on how to be moody and mysterious. I think you’ll be surprised. I’m a steel trap now.”
His chin dimples as he nods, not at all convinced. “Sure, solnyshka. Whatever you say.”
There’s that damned nickname again. It twists my insides in ways I do not approve of. “What does that even mean?”
“I’d tell you, but I’m too moody and mysterious.” He pours a glass of wine and offers it to me.
I take it and slouch down in my chair. “I may not have a lot of practice with good dates, but I know all about living in a tense house full of secrets. I can do the silent treatment for days. I have years of experience there.”
Yakov frowns. His hand tightens on his glass.
For some reason, it bothers him that my ex was an asshole. The same way it bothered him that Sergey was drunk and handsy when he showed up late to our date.
Yakov told me when we met that the men in my life needed to treat me better. He then proceeded to trick me into coming back to his house where he gave me the best sex of my life and then held me hostage, so I’m not totally convinced he knows what “better” means, but still—it was to keep me safe, right? He’s an enigma and I’m desperate to know more.
I just hope my plan works.
He drums his finger on the rim of his glass a few times. Then he sits up and meets my eyes. I melt under his attention, but try not to show how much him being close affects me.
“I’ll play your little game, Luna.”
“But I go first.”
I frown. “You’re no fun.”
“I never claimed to be.” He leans in even closer. I swear he must be able to hear me swallow. “Did your ex-boyfriend abuse you?”
I expected the question, but it still steals my breath. It’s the first time anyone has asked me outright. Kayla suspects, but I don’t like to talk about it. About him. Some things are better left in the past.