Page 126 of Twilight Tears
Fair enough. The last time we were here, she was recovering from being kidnapped, Mariya was just out of surgery from being shot, and Nikandr was still in a coma. We could never step foot in this hospital again and it would still be way too fucking soon.
I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her close. “I’m here and I’m not going anywhere. You’re okay.”
She leans her head against me and lets me lead her into the office.
Luna goes through her usual pre-appointment routine without any issues. She pees into a cup and gets her vitals checked. I lean against the wall in the hall, eyeing every nurse who passes. I know none of them are working for Pavel, but it’s hard to shake the thought. Anyone who isn’t part of my inner circle is a threat as far as I’m concerned.
Once Luna’s hand is tucked in mine again, the protective instinct settles. We walk together to the ultrasound room where the technician greets us with a wide smile.
“Why isn’t Dr. Jenkins doing the test?” I growl.
The woman shrinks just as Dr. Jenkins steps through the door. “Because my specialty is delivering the babies,” he explains. “Lindsay’s specialty is running this massive machine. She’ll get you a higher degree of accuracy than I could.”
Luna lays her hand on my arm and I pull back. She’s safe here. I can breathe.
“Thank you,” Luna says to them both.
“I’ll be back once your exam is over.” Dr. Jenkins waves as he ducks back into the hall.
Luna climbs onto the table and gets herself situated. The technician squeezes jelly on her bump and reaches for the wand.
“Could you not tell us?” Luna asks, looking to me for confirmation. “Maybe write it down or something? I want to know, but I’m not sure I want to know right now. We might wait and look at it later when we get home.”
Home. Every time she says it, something inside of me comes alive. We have a home together. A family.
“Of course.” Lindsay nods. “I do that all the time. Just look away from the screen when I tell you to and I’ll make sure it’s a surprise.”
For a few minutes, we get to look at our babies curled up inside of Luna’s stomach. It’s still amazing to me that they’re real people in there. In just a couple months, they’ll be in our arms. Growing, breathing human beings that we created.
“Can you believe it?” Luna breathes, squeezing my hand.
They’re a tangle of arms and legs inside of her now. I can’t imagine how they could get any bigger.
I shake my head. “I really can’t.”
“Okay. Close your eyes,” Lindsay announces. “I’m going to do some investigating.”
Luna closes her eyes, but I stare down at her. I trace the lines of her face that have become as familiar to me as my own over the last seven months.
I knew the night we met that there was something special about her. But I never would have guessed it would lead me here, to this moment and this life. I never imagined this for myself, but now that I have it, no one is going to take it away.
“Okay,” Lindsay says after a few minutes. “It’s safe to look now. I’ve got what I need. I’ll write it down for you and leave it with Dr. Jenkins to pass to you on your way out.”
The technician leaves and Luna cleans up. A minute later, Dr. Jenkins reappears with an envelope in his hands. He dips his head in greeting, but his expression is tight. Tighter than it should be given the good news he’s holding in his hands.
“You know what? Just tell me,” Luna blurts with a grin. “I can’t wait. Tell me right now.”
Dr. Jenkins smiles softly. “There are some things we need to discuss. Do you want to do that now or after you hear the good news?”
Luna frowns. “What do we have to discuss? Is it bad news?”
“Tell me now,” I snap, my hackles rising. “Are the babies okay?”
He waves us both down, speaking slowly and evenly. “Your babies are healthy as can be. There is no immediate danger to the babies.”
I don’t miss the caveat. No immediate danger.
“What the fuck does that mean?” I growl.