Page 139 of Twilight Tears
When the ambulance carrying us screeched into the hospital parking lot three hours ago, I was sure we were about to meet the twins. Luna was screaming with every contraction, gripping my hand until I thought my knuckles would snap.
But they gave her some injection to delay labor. Slowly, the contractions ebbed away. Now, they’re gone and she’s exhausted.
I reach out and brush a stray strand of blonde hair from her forehead.
I almost lost her.
Pavel sent someone into my house. Again.
He got past my security. Again.
I couldn’t keep Luna safe. Again.
Rage is coursing through my veins and I have to slide my hand away from Luna’s before I accidentally break her fingers. My hands tighten into fists at my side as I pace back and forth across the oppressively small room.
The medication stopped Luna from going into labor for now, but there’s no guarantee how long it will hold. She could have the babies within the week. Within the day, even. Meanwhile, the mansion might as well be open to the public. Apparently, anyone off the street can waltz right into our bedroom.
My jaw is clenched so tightly my molars must be dust.
I reach for my phone to call Nikandr and try to talk through some of the shit rattling around in my head, but my service is spotty. Each time I try to call, the line disconnects.
I can’t leave Luna alone here to make a call. So I fire off a text instead. Luna is stable for now, but it could be any day. We need to find Pavel now. He needs to die.
Nik responds a minute later. Focus on Luna and the twins. I’ll take care of everything out here.
I know I can trust Nikandr. He’s ready to lead. He knows what to do. That doesn’t make it any easier to sit here and do nothing.
But that’s exactly what I do. Nothing.
I drop down into the chair next to Luna’s bed, take her hand, and wait.
I jolt awake to the sound of Luna screaming.
I grab her hand with both of mine and whisper softly in her ear. “You’re okay. I’m here.”
The nurses don’t even bother coming to check on her this time. It’s been like this every couple hours for two days.
“It’s me, Luna. You’re safe. I’m here with you.”
Luna blinks up at me. Her pupils are blown wide, darkness eating away at her blue eyes. Her knuckles are white from squeezing my hand so tightly.
“Yakov?” she breathes, easing down into her bed. “Yakov, I’m—I’m okay. You’re here. It was a dream. I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.”
“But I’m sorry.” She rubs her tired eyes. “I don’t know why this keeps happening.”
“Because you’re fucking terrified, Luna. For good reason.”
Because of me.
Every time Luna wakes up screaming, the guilt digs in a little deeper. It has taken root in my chest and it shows no signs of leaving anytime soon.
Her forehead creases. “But you’re here with me. You haven’t left for days. You’re sacrificing so much to be here for me."
"Being here isn't a sacrifice," I growl. "Taking care of you isn't a burden."
She gives me a tight smile. "I know, but I feel awful. You're doing everything you can, and I still can’t even get to sleep. I’m sorry.”