Page 157 of Twilight Tears
“It’s a boy!” the midwife yells, holding up a pink and purple, slime-covered infant.
“He’s beautiful,” I sob, reaching for him.
The nurse wraps him in a towel and lays him on my chest. It’s an out-of-body experience. I’m staring down at my baby, but it feels like I’m watching a movie. Like someone is going to yell, “Cut!” and snatch him away any second.
“Hey, little man,” Yakov whispers, stroking a finger down our baby’s arm.
“His arm is smaller than your finger.” Tears well in my eyes. “He’s so small.”
But there isn’t time to stare in wonder or panic because another contraction starts.
I groan and the nurse whisks my baby boy away to weigh him and clean him up. I would care a lot more if the contractions didn’t hurt so damn much.
We go through it all again like a nightmare on loop. I squeeze Yakov’s hand until even he winces in pain. The nurse counts down each contraction, asking me to push until I’m on the verge of blacking out from lack of oxygen.
Then, before I know it, another tiny cry fills the room. This one is watery and weak, but I set my fear aside as the midwife lays the baby on my chest.
“Your little girl,” she murmurs.
The midwife and nurse chat quietly in the corner, but I’m fully focused on my daughter. Our daughter.
“My girl,” Yakov breathes. His face is stretched in a rare grin.
“Have I been replaced so quickly?” I tease in a weak mumble.
“You’re my woman. No one can replace you.” He leans over and presses a soft kiss to my lips. “You were incredible, solnyshka.”
I smile up at him just as the nurse appears over his shoulder. “I’m sorry, but both babies need to be taken to the NICU.”
My heart jolts. “Are they okay?”
“They’re doing really well, but they’re small. Your daughter has some fluid in her lungs. We need to monitor them closely.”
“Can I go with them?” I ask, reluctantly handing my daughter over to the woman.
“In a little bit,” she says gently. “You need to rest. Don’t worry—I won’t let them out of my sight.”
I don’t have a choice but to trust her.
As soon as she wheels the bassinets out of the room, I turn to Yakov. “Is he gone?”
“Dr. Jenkins or Pavel?” he asks. Then he waves away the question. “Doesn’t matter. The answer is yes.”
That explains the blood on his collar.
“We’re safe?”
He smooths my hair away from my forehead. “You are safe. No one is going to hurt you or our babies. I have guards stationed in the hall. They’ll follow the babies to the NICU. You can trust me.”
Of course he has it all handled. He thought of everything.
“I do. I trust you, Yakov.” I loll my head back and let my eyes flutter closed. Exhaustion settles over me like a blanket. My entire body is heavy.
“Rest.” His lips brush over my cheek. “You just gave birth to twins and made me the happiest man in the world. I think that’s enough for a day’s work. You deserve a nap.”
My lips tilt into a tired smile just as I drift off, exhausted and unbelievably happy.