Page 49 of Twilight Tears
“How much?”
“Enough to cover four of my fingers.” Yakov holds up his hand as reference, and I want to disappear.
My face flames as Dr. Jenkins makes his notes. “The two of you were engaging in some sexual activities, then?”
“I performed oral,” Yakov says.
He perfected oral. But given the fact that I’m about to combust with embarrassment, I keep that thought to myself.
Dr. Jenkins, on the other hand, is an absolute professional. He simply nods and places a blood pressure cuff on my arm. “Have the two of you had any penetrative sex in the last twenty-four hours?”
“Just a finger,” Yakov says. “During the oral.”
If there is a merciful God, He would kill me now.
“Some bleeding can be normal during pregnancy, especially after sex. There is a lot of extra blood in the area. It could be something as small as a scratch from your fingernail.”
“That’s what I said!” I blurt.
Yakov narrows his eyes at me. “And I said we would rather be safe than sorry.”
“And that is what I always say.” Dr. Jenkins directs me to lie down on the exam table and lays a small blanket over my lap. “Any concern, big or small, is worth looking into.”
Dr. Jenkins lifts my shirt and presses a small wand to my stomach. “This is a fetal heart rate monitor. You’ve already seen one of these before. I’ll just listen to the heartbeat and?—”
A whooshing sound fills the room before he can finish. It’s a loud, constant rhythm that clips along way faster than any heartbeat I’ve ever heard before.
“That’s the baby?” I ask.
The last time I heard the baby’s heartbeat was the night Yakov saved me from Akim. I was barely able to sit still without shaking. So when the nurse told me she found the heartbeat, I couldn’t really appreciate it.
Now, my eyes fill with tears.
“That’s your baby,” Dr. Jenkins confirms. “A nice, strong heartbeat.”
Yakov grabs my hand and squeezes. “So everything is fine?”
“Everything is—” The whooshing sound falters. It blurs and overlaps. Dr. Jenkins readjusts the doppler and picks up the sound again, but his forehead is creased.
“Everything is what?” Yakov snaps. “Is it fine or?—”
Dr. Jenkins blinks and slaps on a delayed smile. “Fine. Great, actually. Perfectly healthy.”
I glance at Yakov and he’s eyeing the doctor with the same suspicion I feel.
Something is wrong.
When we walked in here, I felt confident the baby was healthy. I knew Yakov was overreacting. Now, there’s a pit in my stomach that grows with every second Dr. Jenkins spends staring at the doppler.
Suddenly, he puts the doppler away. “I’m going to go ahead and get you back to the ultrasound tech, Luna.”
“Why? We heard the heartbeat. That means everything is okay, right?”
“This is just a precaution.” He’s smiling, but it isn’t convincing. “You’ve come all this way. We might as well do a full check-up.”
“But is everything okay?”
Dr. Jenkins lays his hand on my shoulder. “Everything is fine, Luna. You have one healthy baby in there.”