Page 16 of Smoke's Flame
“Do you need me to back off,” she asks innocently.
Gazing up into the face of an angel, I say, “Fuck no,” Instead, I pull her tight against my cock. “Just ignore him. He’s not getting any attention. It might take him a minute to figure that out.”
Serena just chuckles about my too eager cock and then reaches both hands up to cup my face. “I’ll consider it a compliment.”
“You do that, sweetness,” I say breathlessly. Her pussy is warm through the thin fabric of her pants and cups my bulge like nothing else ever has. It’s hard not to grind myself against her tenderness. I manage to hold myself in check because it’s the only decent thing to do under the circumstances.
When her face begins drifting close to mine, I can’t help the excitement building in my chest. Being touched by Serena is so much better than I thought it would be. My hands come up to rest on her hips. I can hardly breathe for the anticipation of finally feeling her lips moving against mine.
Chapter 9
I can’t believe that I’m sitting on Smoke’s lap with his hard cock pressing against my pussy ready to indulge in my oldest and best fantasy. His strong body feels so good pressed against mine. My fingers slip through his neatly trimmed beard as I prepare to take his breath away. I hope and pray he likes this as much as I do.
I’m practically vibrating with excitement as our lips touch. I start out by ghosting my lips over his, in a teasing, barely there kiss that’s meant to be a promise of things to come. I can feel his cock surge underneath me.
Swiping my tongue against the seam of his lips in a silent request for him to open his mouth so we can tangle tongues, works. Not only does his mouth open but his tongue meets mine, sliding sinuously and twining with mine. For a single moment in time, we’re breathing the same air and it’s the most intimate experience I’ve ever had with a man.
At some point Smoke’s dominant side surfaces and I quickly lose control of the kiss. One hand slides up and I feel his hand grasp the back of my neck. This man plunders my mouth like he owns me, and I honestly love it. It feels like Smoke has flipped a switch, one that drenches my pussy and makes me want nothing more than to open his pants and ride his cock until I pass out.
I can’t imagine how he knows what I’m thinking, but his hand comes down to run over my clit. Even through my clothing this feels amazing. All I want is more, more, more. Smoke has a nice touch, just like I knew he would. And my body is on fire for him.
He pulls away slightly, saying, “We should probably stop. Kisses are fine but we’re crossing some lines here.”
Instead of arguing with him, I kiss him again. This time I run my fingers through his hair and massage his scalp while I grind my pussy against his greedy cock. He groans with pleasure. I hear him whisper, “Girl, what are you doing to me?”
If he’s talking, I’m clearly not kissing him hard enough, so I redouble my efforts. I don’t know how long we kiss but when we finally pull apart, we’re both breathless and thoroughly aroused.
“Had enough, princess?” Smoke asks in a raspy voice. I can tell from the look on his face that he’d like nothing better than to throw me down and have his sexy way with me. As enticing as that thought is, I scoot back off his lap and stand in front of him. He gazes up at me as he tries to get control of his arousal. I can tell because he takes a few deep, cleansing breaths and shoves down his thick cock, which looks like a hard bar in his pants.
I take a step back, because if there is one thing that I’ve learned from men it’s that they think with their dicks. They’ll act like you’re their queen and promise you the moon when they’re aching for sex—and roll over, grab their pants and leave the minute they get what they want.
I like to think that the man I’ve been crushing on for the better part of my life isn’t like that. But I’ve been gone a long time, and I don’t know how well the fantasy I’ve had of Smoke all these years matches up with reality. After dating one asshole after another in the city, I’m not wild about getting used by this hot biker the moment I roll into town.
My father always told the brothers one of the things that distinguishes humans from animals is our ability to control our baser instincts. That’s what I’m doing tonight. I’m stepping back before I do something stupid. Admittedly, practically dry humping Smoke, the first moment I was alone with him is pushing the boundaries of what is stupid—so on that count, I’m not doing so well.
“So, on a scale of one to ten how would you rate my kiss?” Sure, I’m using humor to diffuse a tense situation, but in my own defense it’s a technique that normally works for me.
Smoke comes to his feet looking worlds more rattled than I feel. He shoves the fingers of one hand through his dark hair before responding. “I’d say that was at least a hundred and nine.”
I cram my hands into the pockets of my dress pants and act all shy. “Aw, shucks. Ain’t nobody ever called me a good kisser before.”
Smoke’s shoulders relax as he chuckles. “You are way too smart and sophisticated to pass for a shy ingénue.”
I shot him a quick smile. “That’s a big word for you, Smoke. Did you get some extra schooling while I was gone.”
He came barreling toward me. “You’re a laugh a minute when you’re not teasing the fuck outta me.” Before I can object, he scoops me up, throws me over his shoulder and walks off with me.
Normally, I might be alarmed if a man did this because it feels like having all my personal power usurped. But I notice that Smoke is taking me back to the parking lot, so I just kick my feet and enjoy the masculine display that’s clearly meant to impress me with his strength.
He puts me down on my feet beside his motorcycle. It occurs to me to ask, “Do I need to chip in on gas for our long ride?” I’m only being half serious, because I know he won’t allow that.
He puts his fingers under my chin, tilts my head up and looks me in the eyes. “Your money is no good around me, princess. Besides, you paid your way in kisses tonight.”
I bite my bottom lip as his hand drops away. “Now that I know my kisses are golden, I should test drive them as currency with the rest of the brothers.” I know I’m pricking at his ego, but I want to see his reaction.
Instead of getting angry and screaming at me, he quickly scoops down and steals a kiss. When he pulls back, he’s got a smug smile on his face. “Your kisses are not golden, my confused little princess. They’re made of copper. It’s only when your copper kisses are mixed with mine that the alchemy happens.”