Page 24 of Smoke's Flame
Smiling he turns and holds out his elbow for me to take. “No problem, princess. Let’s talk while we walk, and you can explain what in the fuck went down in court that led to Dom chasing you in public.”
I take his arm, and we start walking toward the coffee shop. “It’s a weird story.”
He shrugged. “They always are in this neck of the woods. You sure you’re okay? That asshole is someone you want to stay away from.”
“Yeah, he was still wound up from court.”
“I wouldn’t trust Dominique Gobel any further than I can throw him. He’s a dangerous drug runner. Drugs have ruined his health to the point that I didn’t recognize him at first. He’s half the man he used to be.”
“I did not know that,” I say truthfully, while filing away that small bit of information in the back of my mind. “Believe it or not, he wouldn’t be the first asshole I’ve dealt with in my life. After a while, it destroys one’s faith in humanity.”
“If you have any more cases involving him, I’ll act as your co-counsel.”
“If you think that’s best, I won’t fight you on it.”
“Why is it that you seem indifferent to the danger?”
“His ex-wife seems to think he’s a good man deep down inside. She talked about how amazing he is when he isn’t strung out on drugs.”
“Then she’s naïve as fuck. Gobel was never a good man, even before he got into drugs. I’m done talking about that man,” he says irritably.
“Alright,” I respond.
Getting his irritation in check, he asks, “Can I interest you in some coffee?”
“Not unless you sweeten the deal,” I say playfully.
His eyes flash up to mine, curiosity shining bright. “What kind of incentive would you require, Miss Sommers?”
Giving him the side eye, I respond “I want more of those exotic metals that mix so well with my copper kisses.”
Smiling indulgently, he responds. “You been craving my lips, have you?”
“Maybe. If you say you haven’t thought about how good we were together, I’ll call you a liar to your face.”
“I would never deny the obvious.” His eyes are alight with happiness as he gazes down at me.
“You’re a laugh a minute for a hot biker turned boring attorney by day.”
Someone walks by and stops to talk to him. It seems everywhere we go people know him by name, including Dominique. “How is it you know more people than me, and we both grew up here?”
“It’s a small city. I’ll bet we could play that connect three game and discover that we have lots of friends in common.”
Wrapping an arm around his tighter, I decide that today is a good day after all. “I have no doubt we could. We both apparently know Dominique. That’s a start, right?”
“Stay away from that dangerous—”
I give his arm a playful jerk. “Stop repeating yourself. I got the message loud and clear the first time. Let’s have coffee, flirt, and kiss.”
Chapter 13
All the angst slides right off his face “You got it, princess. We’ll have coffee, flirt a bit, maybe have some deep and meaningful conversation, and then alchemical kisses for dessert.”
“Technically it was just coffee, flirting, and kisses. You added the conversation part.”
“Of course, I did. Spending time with you is getting to be my new favorite thing. I’ve always thought you were beautiful, intelligent, and had a wonderful sense of humor. Any time I can bask in your beauty and shining personality, I’m going to jump at the chance.”