Page 40 of Smoke's Flame
“Alright,” he murmurs. “If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to let me know.”
“I will. Now get going before Marge comes back in here and rips you a new butthole.”
After he leaves, I stroll out to the reception area, “I’m going to walk down to the coffee shop. Do you want anything?”
Without glancing up she replies, “Mr. Drake is not going to like you going out alone, he told me about those messages.”
“I’m going to take that as a no,” I respond chipperly.
I make it halfway to the coffee shop when a shadow appears beside me on the pavement, I momentarily panic, then breathe a sigh of relief as I look up to find Evan, Rigs’ teenage son strolling along beside me. I remember Smoke telling me how Mattie and Rigs rescued him from some criminal enterprise called the syndicate, and then adopted him. Even though he’s only a teen and at fourteen isn’t old enough to legally ride, he’s wearing a prospect’s cut.
He asks, “Did they shoot him yet?”
I glance up at him. “Did they shoot who?”
“The man who killed your friend. My dad says the Legion is going to track him down and give him a dirt nap.”
“That’s the first I heard of that. Are you sure about your intel on this one, Evan?”
“My mom says they’re going to find him and turn him over to the police. Which do you think is going to happen?”
Did this teen like the idea of the bad guy getting his comeuppance, or was he fascinated by people being killed, I wondered.
I choose to answer his question with a question. “Do you want him to wind up dead or do you think jail is a good enough punishment?”
He starts walking backwards so he can face me while we walk along the sidewalk. “I don’t know. The man who abducted me ended up dead. He didn’t kill anybody though, at least I don’t think so. He was supposed to kill me but couldn’t go through with it. That’s why I’m still alive. But I think he upset someone else, and they killed him.”
That was fascinating in and of itself. I decide to come clean with him. “I don’t want anyone killed. I’d rather him be in jail if at all possible. That way, no one has to feel guilty about taking a human life.”
“That’s a good plan. My dad says that killing stains the soul. I hope I never have to kill someone to save myself or someone else. I will if I have to, but I’d rather not.”
I hate that this poor boy has been through so much that he’s actually had to consider this, rather than play video games like other teens. He’s a good kid. I like that Evan has taken an interest in talking to me, I feel like his big sister in a lot of ways.
“I didn’t realize you were a prospect now?” I ask.
His face lights up. “I’ve been a prospect for the last eight days.”
“How do you like it?” I ask as we enter the coffee shop.
He flings his hair out of his face by throwing his head to the side sharply. “I like the idea of being part of a brotherhood. It feels good after not having anyone but my grandmother growing up.”
“Speaking of which, how’s she doing? Did she like the cookies we baked for her?”
He grins, “Oh yeah, she loved them. Walnut shortbread is her favorite. She liked that we crushed up the walnuts really small so she could eat them better.”
“I do that for my mom as well. One day, someone will bake us special cookies when we’re too old to bake for ourselves.”
“Yeah, because we have family. I never thought I’d have a chance at anything like this.”
“Well, I grew up in the Savage Legion MC, and never knew any other way existed.”
I place an order for my usual while we chat.
Evan looks at me curiously. “Your dad was Claw, right?”
I nod, “Yes. He was a veteran who wanted to give young men a chance to be part of something bigger than themselves. He used to talk a lot about personal integrity and taking responsibility for your actions. I’ll bet your dad can tell you all about the good old days.”