Page 70 of Smoke's Flame
Everyone laughs.
“What I did have then was the Savage Legion MC, where I found brotherhood and an opportunity to be part of something larger than myself. If it weren’t for that, I probably would have turned into just another rich asshole annoying everyone around me. It was the Savage Legion that made me the man I am today. It’s what made me worthy of marrying an amazing woman like Serena. I know you all see her at our club princess, but she’s so much more than that to me. Somewhere along the way, I became infatuated with her beauty and quirky personality, but I fell in love with her inner strength, loyalty, dedication, and incredible intelligence. I’m both humbled and proud to have been chosen by your club princess and will spend the rest of my days striving to be worthy of her.”
Everyone in the room went wild. Not me. I was too tearful to clap. I knew that I was supposed to give my speech next, but thankfully Smoke skipped over me.
Next, Mel speaks as the maid of honor. She teases Smoke. “Wow, that’s a tough act to follow but I’ll give it my best shot. I’ve known Serena all my life. We grew up together and went to school together. She was always the friend I could come to when I had a problem. She gave good advice and never let me down. When my mom died, my entire world imploded, because she was all I had. That’s when Serena introduced me to her father, Claw. He gave me a place to stay and helped me get back on my feet. If that wasn’t enough, he sent me to Rigs for help dealing with my grief. Rigs explained that I was no longer alone in the world because the Legion was my family now. I couldn’t be happier that Serena found love with one of the club brothers. They both deserve all the happiness life has to offer.”
Surprisingly, Tank defers his toast to Evan, who looks like he has something important to say. He stands and launches into his speech. “Most of you know my story so I don’t need to go over it. If Mattie and Rigs hadn’t found me when they did, I might not have survived. They’re the best thing that ever happened to me, they adopted me and now I have a family. Our family includes the Savage Legion. As a prospect, I’m learning lots of important life lessons. But it was meeting Serena that changed my thinking in a lot of ways. She’s like the big sister I never had and didn’t think I needed.” He pauses and looks a bit embarrassed, I guess for a fifteen-year-old getting up to speak in front of a bunch of people, even if they are your friends and family, is a bit intimidating. Wrapping up, he says, “Thank you for letting me speak. Congratulations, to Smoke and Serena.”
I finally feel calm enough to stand up and give my prepared toast, only adding some adlibbing instead of going with the speech I prepared for this occasion. I struggle to my feet, wrapping one hand around my huge belly. “I want to take a minute to thank everyone for coming out to share our special day. Having each of you here makes our wedding day that much more special. First of all, I’d like to thank my mom for always being there for me growing up. Her strength, guidance, and love, nourished and sustained us when all else went wrong in our lives.”
Shooting my mother a grateful look, I continue. “Next, I would like to thank my brother, Siege. He’s the best brother a girl could ever ask for. I only wish that my sister had understood that the core values of the Legion have always been loving and protecting others. If she had just come to Siege, maybe things could have been different.” Turning to my brother, I say, “I know you carry a lot of guilt about Nicole, but you shouldn’t. You tried everything humanly possible to save her, and even now you’re protecting and loving the two most precious things she left behind. Don’t ever think you’re not enough for the people in your life.” I watch my brother’s eyes turn glassy as he pulls Tommy and Louisa in for a hug.
“I want to give a special thank you, to my new mother-in-law for her care and concern when she found out I was pregnant, and for just being such a warm, welcoming person in my life. I feel like she’s become one of my best friends and I feel so blessed to have her in mine and Smoke’s lives.” Marge is smiling as she gazes at us.
“And last but not least, I want to thank the brotherhood for saving my life in San Francisco. There were moments when I didn’t think I was going to make it out alive. But thanks to you I’m here, safe and sound, marrying the man I love. I want to give a special thanks to Evan because if it wasn’t for his quick thinking, there’s no way the brotherhood would have gotten to me in time. There is no doubt in my mind that he will make an excellent member of the Savage Legion one day.” When I glance at Evan he is blushing and looking all bashful.
I don’t forget to thank Gordon as well, I know he keeps downplaying his role, but he’s another levelheaded kid who’s going to make a great brother. The toasts and speeches go on for almost an hour, with more and more people wanting to say a word or two. It had that sitting around the campfire feel about it, only in nicer clothing and under a shelter. It was warm, inviting, and memorable.
We only gave it up when the catering crew started serving food. My brother insisted upon providing the main dish while the caters supplied the rest. His grilling skills are legendary, so there is no dried out or burnt meat for my wedding celebration.
And so, we eat, drink, and make merry.
Siege’s roast pork went down a storm, as did the other mains. After feeling like I couldn’t eat another bite, the catering crew bring out the desserts and the cake, and I find that yes, I do have room.
Smoke and I feed each other cake and smile for the photographer, I look around to see all our friends and family enjoying themselves as the champagne flows. I overindulge in cake and sparkling water since I can’t drink champagne like everyone else. It’s okay. I have my whole life to drink. I won’t do anything to jeopardize the health of our unborn child.
Then it’s just me and Smoke dancing together. Dancing is one of the things we’ve not had a chance to do, so I never knew he was so good at it. He knows how to slow dance like a pro, but fast dancing not so much. When he tries to fast dance, he looks more like a man having a wild full body convulsion. I try not to laugh but at some point, I realize he’s just doing it to make me laugh. This man of mine has an odd sense of humor. Luckily, so do I.
When we leave the dance floor, I notice our mothers with their heads together. I don’t know what they’re talking about, but they look like they’re plotting. I hope it’s not a baby shower. Smoke has already loaded down our house with every conceivable baby-related gadget imaginable. I can’t imagine where I would put more baby gear.
All in all, my wedding was made of all the things we are as a couple, and I loved every minute of it. As far as happily ever afters go, I’ll take this one over any other. It suits me fine.
Staring at Smoke running around the house to gather up our stuff, I sigh. We talked about being more organized, but somehow always ended up cuddling or having amazing sex instead of working out the details. Now that procrastination is coming back to bite us in the butt.
The rhythmic pain moves over my belly, it feels like a vise is clamping around my lower abdomen. I guess that’s why they call them contractions.
Smoke runs back into the room in a panic.
When I give him a worried look, he states firmly, “I’ve got this. Don’t worry.” Then he dashes upstairs and comes back down with two large duffle bags hanging off his shoulders.
“My mother sorted out everything we’re gonna need at the hospital. I’m gonna put these in the car. Give me two minutes and I’ll be back for you, princess.”
Before I can respond, he bolts away like a man possessed. A minute later he stalks back into the living room and scoops me up into his arms.
I grumble, “I can walk. You know that I can. We talked about you trying to carry me everywhere.”
“This is different, sweetness. You’re having a baby.”
I give up. Now isn’t the time to ask him to dial down his overprotectiveness. Instead, I go for a joke. “What? Really, I thought it was indigestion from the chili I ate for lunch.”
“This is no time for jokes, princess. This is serious shit.”