Page 9 of Smoke's Flame
Louisa comes running over to her mother and climbs into her lap. “We havin’ cotton candy?”
Cleo smooths the little girl’s hair down and replies, “Yes. Your dad made sure to get plenty of unicorn cotton candy just for you.”
Louisa turns to her brother and yells across the room, “Did you hear that, Tommy?”
He shakes his head at his sister’s happy smile. “Yeah, I heard. You’re only going to get one bite though, cos sugar is bad for you.”
Louisa lets out a startled, indignant little cry before turning back to her mother.
“Not what he said,” she says angrily.
Cleo wraps her arms around Louisa and holds her tight. “No, no, sweetness. You know your dad will make sure that you get your fair share.”
Louisa lays her head on her mother’s chest and glares at her brother. Cleo rocks her gently as she turns her attention back to me. “I think Siege left you a voicemail on your phone about family day. Everyone’s hoping you’ll attend.”
I drain the last of my coffee and set the cup on my empty plate. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I guess I should grab a shower. Are we riding together, or should I meet you there?”
“We’re heading out as soon as the nannies get here. It might be best if you met us at the clubhouse. I’m sure you know the way.”
“I know the way so well, I could probably find it blindfolded.”
Cleo comes to her feet, allowing the now calm Louisa to slip from her lap. “Sometimes I forget that you were born and raised in this town and probably know your way around like the back of your hand. I’m gonna go ahead and start packing up diaper bags for the kids. If you need anything at all, just give me a shout.”
“I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve brought everything I could possibly need. It’s just a matter of getting my lazy butt moving.”
She walks off but calls over her shoulder when she gets to the doorway, “There’s more coffee in the kitchen. If you need it, help yourself.”
I decide to forgo a second cup of java. Instead, I’ll make coffee my reward for getting to the clubhouse on time. I take my plate and cup into the kitchen and wash them in the sink. By the time I come back through the house, there are two young girls, each with a baby on their hip walking around the living room. I stopped to introduce myself and make nice with them for a few minutes before heading upstairs.
So far, this day has been a pleasure. I look through my text messages to see if my brother wants me to pick up anything on the way to the clubhouse. He would be vastly more likely to hit me up for a favor than his wife, since she’s wrangling four kids and two nannies today.
I’m annoyed to find more threatening text messages meant for whatever poor soul had this new cell phone number before me. Whoever it is, totally sounds unhinged. It had started just before I left for San Francisco. So far, he’s threatened to rape her, choke her out and kidnap her. The trifecta of dirty deeds. I’ve been thinking of going to the police, but since I don’t even know the woman’s name or the identity of the person leaving the threatening messages, it seems like a moot issue. I tried seeing if I could get the phone to block calls and texts from withheld numbers, but couldn’t figure out the settings. It’s pretty clear however, this person has no earthly idea where she is because they keep texting the phrase whenever I find you amongst all the rambling threats.
I scroll past those and open my brother’s message. He’s telling me most people are going to be there at noon, I don’t need to bring anything but myself and everyone is looking forward to seeing me again. Tossing my phone down on the bed, I race to the bathroom to get a shower. I make short work of getting clean, blow drying my hair and getting dressed.
I know my brother said most people were going to be there by noon but I want to get there a little early so I can greet all the brothers and their families as they arrive. It seems like all the stress of my former life has drifted away, leaving only the pleasure of getting reacquainted with all my old friends. I grab my keys and carefully lock up the house before getting into my car. Taking a minute to sort through my music selections, I choose something with a happy beat. The ride to the clubhouse is relaxing because the sun is out, the traffic is light and for once everything is right in my world.
Chapter 6
When I pull up at the clubhouse, I marvel at how nice everything looks. The place has had an upgrade since I visited last. All the trim has been painted a different color. There are two large urns filled with greenery on either side of the door. And even the parking lot has all the parking lines freshly painted.
I jump out of my car and fast walk to the entrance, eager to see if they’ve traded out all of my father’s old furniture for sleek new modern pieces. When I step through the door, I’m tickled pink with what I see. The whole place has been redecorated in a masculine gray and black theme. The bar and the pool tables have both been given a facelift, but I can tell they are the ones my father bought all those years ago. He would be so pleased if he could see the place now.
Someone comes through the side door carrying three boxes of liquor. I can’t see their face, but by the neatly painted fingernails wrapped around each side of the boxes I guess that it’s a woman. I rush over to help.
“Here, let me get one of those for you.”
“Oh my God, is that you Serena?”
I grab one of the boxes and pull it off the stack, to find Mel’s pretty face staring back at me.
“It’s me all right. You look like you haven’t aged a day in four years.”
Mel appears pleased with the compliment, but says, “Four years is not a long-time girl, unless you’re talking cat years.”
We carry the boxes over to the bar, tear the top open and start unloading bottle after bottle of vodka.