Page 12 of Hacker
I didn’t know where my courage was coming from, but I dug down for some more of it. “Oh, so this threat involves a gang rape orchestrated by you. Do you really think that makes you any less the villain in this situation?”
Duke was out of his seat in a heartbeat and had his big hand twisted in my hair. He wrenched my head back and looked me over. “Pretty bitches never listen. They’re used to everyone treating them like they’re precious.”
I wanted to bite back with another insult, but I didn’t have a death wish. When I didn’t respond, his other hand clamped around my throat. “Know what your problem is? You’ve been handed everything your entire life and grew up thinking you were untouchable.” The hand around my throat clenched tighter and he shook me, as if to say if you want to breathe give me a sign of submission.
I closed my eyes, accepting that this man going to kill me and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Suddenly, he released me and flung me back against the vanity, sending all objects on top tumbling to the floor.
“Get a shower, clean yourself up, and decide if you really want to see what comes next in my repertoire of tricks and tools to gain your cooperation. At some point you’re going to break. When that moment comes I’ll let you beg for my cock like all the others.”
He pivoted on one foot and stalked out of the room. I watched the door slam behind him and heard the lock turn before my knees finally gave out. I hit the floor on my hands and knees and immediately vomited. Whether it was from having my airflow cut off or knowing that sick bastard wanted me to beg for his cock, I didn’t know. I crawled into the corner of the room and sobbed.
Chapter 7
Storm summoned a large number of men and not all of them were wearing Slayer cuts. All of them were armed though. I’d brought my trusty Glock and extra clips, but Storm threw me a Kevlar vest and held up two handguns for me to choose from. “The 9mm,” I told him.
The one they called Thunder raised his voice. “Hold on a fucking minute. The guy with no legs is going to storm their clubhouse with us? That seems like a seriously shitty decision to me.”
“It’s my call to make. He can move and he can shoot. We need every man we can get on this mission.”
I didn’t waste any time. I spun my wheelchair around and was on him before he could protest again. He jumped back but not before I got my hands on him. Instead of punching him the fuck up, I yanked him down to eye level and shoved my Glock under his chin. “If I can take you down when you see me coming, I can surely shoot the shitheads that took my woman.”
He shoved back and stumbled to his feet. “You took me by surprise.” He dusted off his pants as he spoke, “And I don’t fight crippled fuckers like you.”
I raised my Glock and aimed for his crotch. “Want to say that again, dickhead? There ain’t no man coming between me and rescuing my Angel, especially not a disrespectful shit like you.”
Storm stepped between us. “Both of you stand the fuck down.” He turned to Thunder. “Like I said, it’s not your decision to make. You defy me again when we’re in a crisis situation and I’ll rip that patch off your cut so fast it will make your head spin.”
The older man stepped back. “Sorry, Storm. I didn’t mean nothing by it.”
Then Storm turned his attention to me. “I didn’t know she was your woman. You’ve been calling her your friend.”
“If you fuckers aren’t friends with your old ladies then that’s on you. Angel came to me, wanting to be mine, and I accepted her generous offer.”
Storm slapped me on the shoulder. “Good for you, man. She’s sweet, loyal, and clearly has good judgement if she picked you.”
My lips twitched because I almost believed Storm meant what he was saying. Looking around at the men watching our interaction, I could see the respect on their faces. The knot in my chest that had been threatening to choke me loosened. This was the first time since being in the military that I felt like I was beginning to fit in.
We finished gearing up and converged on the location from all angles, careful not to shoot each other in the crossfire. I emptied two clips before we even made it through the door. Once we entered, their whores began screaming and running past us to get out the doors. While Storm and his men fought their way through wave after wave of men from the rival club, I made my way to what appeared to be a cluster of rooms surrounded by a long walkway. At some point I realized they had a half a dozen rooms bunched up together with a hallway that surrounded it in all four directions.
I shot the lock off one of the doors and found a skinny man in a Twisted Metal cut sitting on the floor. “Who the hell are you,” he asked.
I raised my gun and leveled it at him from the doorway. “Looking for my woman. Where is she?”
“Let me out of this hell hole and I’ll tell you.”
I frowned at him. “I don’t give two hoots in hell about you. Tell me what I want to know, and I wont’s shoot you, but you’re gonna have to fight your way through the Slayers to get out of this building.”
He thumped his fist against the wall behind him and I heard a whimpering noise. “She’s been here close to four hours. Spent most of them crying her eyes out.”
I backed up and flew down the hallway as fast as I could make my chair go. Sometimes I thought my chair was faster than others could run, especially on flat terrain. I spun around one corner and then the next before coming to a halt in front of the door that was opposite of the one containing the man desperate to get out of his cell.
“Angel,” I shouted. “I’m here for you, sweetness. Get away from the door. I’m going to shoot the lock.”
“Adam, is that you?”
“Get back.”